Red Series

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

N is for Nuclear Wars

The Nuclear Wars (five in all) are what tore the Old World apart. The first war started when disputes between several countries. After the first attack happened, other countries either saw an opportunity to attack their enemies or decimate weaker allies.

In Sacrifice Her, Kale says one major reason the Nuclear Wars was greed for oil.

No matter who started it in the end much of the world was destroyed and many people left displaced. This lead to a lot of people going into survival mode since the technology that helped them so much in the past was gone.

Resulting in people becoming susceptible to superstition and manipulation, many versions of how the world ended up fractured developed. In Sacrifice Her, Faux City has their own version with Bane saving their ancestors from The River Women.


  1. I can see how five nuclear wars would destroy most of the world. Great setting for your story,

  2. A harsh ending to civilization as we know it! No doubt, it could really mess things up.

  3. So scary, and sad, and entirely possible.
    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

  4. I heard recently that as few as a hundred nuclear weapons used at once would probably wipe out civilization - even if if they were all used in one small area. Scary.

  5. Five nuclear wars? Geez. I helped another writer with her post-nuclear war novel, and I read it wouldn't take much to make Earth uninhabitable for several thousand years.

  6. I'm sure every pocket of survivors has their own set of beliefs.

  7. It's a scary thought, the whole nuclear war thing. Neville Shute wrote a totally freaky book about what would happen if people started shooting them off. What was left of the world had only a year before the shifting winds had eventually spread the radiation to the areas not hit. Everyone died. What a choice. Killing yourself and your family or watching as you all died of radiation poisoning, dying in your own bloody vomit.

  8. This is a scary thought that plagues us unfortunately, outside of fiction just as much as in it.

  9. Scary stuff. Makes you wonder if we can't learn to get along what might happen.

  10. Your plot and characters sound really interesting. The title resonates, as naturally it's meant to.
    Jan at Website
    Beyond Acadia
    Faith Talk
    Swamp Lily Review

  11. The scary thing is, I think that's exactly how it will go down, if it ever does. The greed and need for oil is such an all-consuming world problem.

    Your book sounds more and more fabulous by the day. :)

  12. This post was all too real! The fight for oil and the threat of nuclear war *shivers*

  13. Ohhhhh... scares me so bad!!!!

  14. It took me a minute to realize you were't talking about actual history. Thank God.

  15. The scary thing is that this world could so easily become a dystopian setting. May it always exist only in fiction.

  16. Wow, five Nuclear Wars? That's a lot!


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