Red Series

Monday, 1 April 2013

A is for Age

Age plays a major role in Sacrifice Her. In Faux City citizens ages 14-25 are eligible to be chosen for sacrifice. Human Sacrifices are done once a year to appease their god, Bane: God of Gore. Ten years ago something went wrong with the sacrifice and he was furious. Among the consequences was the huge jump from five sacrifices per year to twelve.

When the chosen are named they usually go peacefully. But on rare occasions some fight like Deidra Moore did.

Citizens aged 26-onwards are safe from being sacrificed. Yet they too suffer the hardship of watching their friends, relations and or children fret about being sacrificed as they cycle continues.

At age 19, Lord Brinn is the youngest ruler in Faux City's history. With youth comes brashness and overconfidence. But that doesn't diminish his natural ability to lead and his shrewdness. When he is ordered by Bane through a maiden (Faux version of a priestess) to bring Deidra back, he sets out with the determination and backing of those three times his age.

Deidra Moore at age 16 was old enough to understand the reason for the yearly sacrifices and the worship of Bane. Yet she ran after being sent as a sacrifice.

Kale age 18 finds Deidra lost in the desert. This young wanderer is knowledgeable of the 'Old World' that his new companion knows nothing about. Yet when he first meets her his only concern is to help a severely dehydrated girl.

So in the end age has a strong influence on the life path of these characters. After all if Deidra had been 26, then she wouldn't have been sent as a sacrifice therefore never getting into Lord Brinn's cross-hairs or meeting Kale in the desert. Ironic, no?


  1. This sounds like an excellent setup to your world. Pretty brutal stuff. Good luck in the Challenge!

  2. I *always* appreciate a little irony.

  3. Interesting speculation on your character Sheena-kay. Nice way to start.

  4. A fascinating world where age determines your direction and ultimate fate?! Quite intriguing!

  5. Sounds like a harsh...but very you have going on there.

    Have fun A to Z'ing :)

  6. I've loved the premise of this story ever since I first heard about it, and this age-related insight as only further whetted my appetite. :D

  7. Very interesting plot line. Sounds like there's a lot of running and hiding going on. That's what I'd do. That age thing is always a problem :)

  8. Great to learn more about your novella. Sounds like such an interesting story!

    I'm looking forward to more of your posts. :)

  9. Interesting set up with the sacrifices! Sounds like it's time that someone crossed Bane.

  10. Interesting indeed! Great 1st post for the Challenge! Blessings!

  11. This sounds very interesting. Looking forward to following your A-Z :)

  12. Great idea for an A-Z theme, Sheena-kay! :)

  13. Such a good idea to reference your alphabet to an aspect of your book. Cool info in regard to age and mannerisms, rules and responsibilities.

  14. Here recently....I've been feeling mine! :)

  15. You've got a really interesting premise that can go in all kinds of directions. You've grabbed my attention!

    A-Z participant blogging from Elise Fallson

  16. age is important! i changed the age of my mc by one year to go from ya to mg.
    happy a day!

  17. My dad always says "It's not about the age, it's about the mileage." :) Btw, the book sounds very intriguing!

    Konstanz Silverbow
    A-to-Z April Blogging Challenge Co-host

  18. Love the concept for the book. Cool idea! It's nice to see you again. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your challenge posts. :)

  19. Did you say age? What age? Nobody knows mine (shhh)

  20. That sounds horrific- I guess I'd be safe from the sacrifice, but the thought of my daughter and husband not being safe is scary!

  21. New writing adventure? I'll be following. :)

  22. What a scary world to live in, always wondering if you're going to be picked as a sacrifice! Kinda reminds me of The Hunger Games.


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