Monday Mishmash is a weekly meme created by Kelly Hashway for sharing what's going on in your life and noggin. You just grab a button and post your business...I mean thoughts online. No biggie. Have fun!
1. Sadly movie week was a bust. Rain, family issues and a health incident (when I get sharp pains in certain places. I aint going to a dark movie theater. No.) turned that plan into a pumpkin.
2. I'm doing Nanowrimo. Yep, still going strong on that. I love taking part even though I have never won before. Will I win this year. I'm gearing up for that. But either way, I'm in.
3. Found a replacement cover artist. Please freelancers, don't wait until the very month of a pre-planned cover schedule to cancel or shift practically two months down. Not cool! I'm so annoyed I'm considering possibly not using this cover artist in the future. She's very talented but damn, this whole sudden shift really pissed me off. If you're going to be away for all of November and can't book for September. Then don't put me in late October then cancel during October a.k.a. offer me a December move which I wasn't waiting for. The worst part? I have things I wanted to do in December but now I'm doubtful they'll be with her. Freelancers, stay on top of your stuff. I want things to be ready for my 2017 releases as soon as possible so I can promote timely.
4. Still buzzing over the upcoming model cover shoot in January. If all goes well for the cover of my tentative fall 2017 release Huntress (novel). I just might use this photographer for all the covers. Please don't ditch, please don't ditch!
5. I got some reading in over the weekend and it was nice. One was a short erotica novella and the other a YA with dual POV. Look out for book reviews to return next week.
6. I have been reading up on how to increase my writing word count and have come upon some really nice tips. Will share this month. I'm a full-time writer so I'm ready for all the help I can get. Plus all the positive vibrations from you guys. Thanks for coming to my blog both long time and new readers.
That's all folks! Thanks for stopping by and God Bless.