Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Papercutz
Publication date: May 9, 2017
Buy Links: Amazon

Summary: Ever wonder what it’s like having a big family? 11-year-old Lincoln Loud lives with his 10 sisters. The trick to surviving the chaos is to remain calm, cool, and collected. But most importantly for Lincoln, you’ve got to have a plan. With all the chaos, and craziness, one thing is always for sure: there is never a dull moment in the Loud house!
All-new stories from Nickelodeon’s newest hit-series, created by Chris Savino.
Book Review
Take a walk on the wild side with the first full comic for the popular Nickelodeon animated series. I have watched a few episodes and it can be a fun romp for a moment. But the show's target audience is clearly children and families. I downloaded this from the read now section of Netgalley where you can read a book from that list straight without waiting for approval. The comic was a fun read and while I thought it would at least be okay. I truly think it better shows the dynamics of the sisters the best. On the show they can sometimes just come off as obnoxious and annoying ending with you empathizing with Lincoln. But in the comic they are shown as so much more and even a few short ones just showcasing the sisters are among the most fun. Shocker, Luna's New Threads and Very Supertitious are among my faves. When it comes to Lincoln centered there is the longest strip of them all which is a choose your story one. Finding that remote by going to various pages to talk to different sisters and even pets was a barrage of fun I think older fans will enjoy the most. Also The Call and The Handshake were pretty good with Lincoln. For the strip most faithful to the show I would go with No Spoilers which felt ripped straight out of an episode of the show.
On a whole I had a nice time with this strip. Highly recommend for kids and fans of the show. I'm sure some readers will be reading their favorite strip over and over. Plus there's an interview I'm sure all fans will enjoy and I love that the creator, writers and artists from the show all took part with this comic. That is awesome!
Rating: 4 Stars
Thanks for coming. My Goal Hop post will go up Wednesday with my IWSG post.