This week I'm a bit out of it because of a doctor's visit last week with new medicine for my sinusitis that I might have to stop taking. All I'll say on that is I got some bad headaches and bad pain whenever I touched one side of my nostril that stopped after I didn't use the nasal spray for three days. Not a good sign and seems to be more an irritation of my nose than a sinusitis issue. I plan to visit my family doctor month end to have her look over the medicine. Before I had gone to see an ENT at a nearby medical complex (family doctor works much further away) but I don't know...one of the medicine's on the list that was supposed to be an anti-acid for potential side effects turned out to be a blood pressure medicine. My pressure is fine and even the ENT said I had no need for medicine in that arena...so...yeah that's weird. I really hope I never ended up going to a careless doctor or a medical kook. No disrespect to the medical profession. But when a doctor tells you your medicine is an anti-acid for your stomach and then you find out it's something else from the pharmacist. That's not right.
Anyway I guess my insecurity is my latest health issue. Found out that I had a whole new set of allergies to worry about including birds and season change. At least I got confirmation about perfumes and air fresheners affecting me though. It was annoying when some of my relations claimed I just liked to complain. Chest pains, scratchy throats and tightening of air supply are not complaints! But yeah it felt good to have a doctor confirm it was not my imagination. *Rolls eyes*
And yesterday I ended up not being able to go see Sausage Party because I just got a bad case of something. I got better towards evening but there was no way I was hitting the streets in my condition. Feeling better (than before) while typing this but yeah, health is not one hundred percent on the up and up.
Still I am happy. What? Yes I'm glad to be alive, had fun last night with some Facebook online book events and chatted online with authors from all kinds of genres. Especially romance whose genre is popular among writers at these events. Also have a returning customer from over a year ago for a new freelance project, two more in the pipeline and one 'pop up' customer. Since I mostly draft novels now that's good and consistent work until October at least. I work by chapter or at most three at a time. I'm wary on going full book at once because I got burned before on another site which I no longer use. So no matter my health status I'm happy. Because no one got better by sitting around being in the dumps. Thanks Alex, ninja helpers and co-hosts for another IWSG. God bless everyone.
some blood pressure medicines tighten or widen your blood vessels, which works for allergies too so maybe that is the reason why you got it?
ReplyDeletePerhaps but it's still weird that he told me that medicine was an anti-acid for my stomach.
DeleteThat's the attitude!
ReplyDeleteSorry you got wrong drugs and bad drugs. Doctors aren't perfect and make mistakes. (However, Jesus will give you the right dose every single time.)
Congrats on doing s well with the free-lancing! It's a real compliment that you're in demand and have return customers. That's awful about the meds and the allergies though. I love fall, but it plays heck with my allergies, too. I hope you sort the meds out and feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteReally hope that your allergies ease up, Sheena. I strongly agree with Tom Hiddleston - he is sex as hell :) Enjoy a lovely September.
ReplyDeleteOh, Man!! Sorry about your suffering. I've been through it, and I understand. Sending you healing prayers!!
ReplyDeleteI suffer from allergies all year long, so I don't take anything because I don't like medication and refuse to be on it all the time. Fall and winter are the worst for me, which is sad because fall is my favorite season.
ReplyDeleteGlad you can be healthy with all of your health challenges. Hope you fee better soon.
ReplyDeleteI haven't suffered with allergies, but I hear it can be brutal for those that do. Hope you get some relief soon.
YES! It takes all of three second for me to land a sinus infection. If I'm not CONSTANTLY drinking water, getting enough sleep, AND treating for allergies, I'm a wreck. It's not a fun way to live, but we have to adapt, eh? Hey, essential oils have been a life saver for allergies. They take about two weeks to get into the system, but they've kept me away from hard medications for a couple years. (Equal parts lemon, peppermint and lavender, about 10 drops applied two to three times daily.)
ReplyDeleteSo sorry you haven't been feeling well and now have so many allergies on top of it. I hope you are able to find something that will help and you get better soon!
ReplyDeleteHow can you write when your health is depleting your energy? As much as we think doctors know everything (they don't!) trust yourself. Get a second opinion. Hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteThat's messed up. Fire that doctor. With all of those issues, you need something that works.
ReplyDeleteI hope your health problems get resolved soon! Glad you're not letting it get you down :)
ReplyDeleteOne thing for sure, you have to be or have an advocate for your own health. You've given me a great idea for anytime I have to fill a prescription. I'm just going to have the pharmacist go over exactly what the medicine's supposed to do. Good luck with that sinusitis problem. That's so painful.
ReplyDeleteIt's never fun when the medication used to help a health problem creates others. Glad you've learned about your allergies. I hope your health gets better.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your troubles. Can you check with a pharmacist? My local does a drug compatibility test right on his computer. Anyway, take care. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnna from elements of emaginette
I hope you feel better soon - I'm glad that the doctor could confirm your suspicions, and that you got clarification about the medicine - that never should've happened! I'm also glad that you're happy - it sounds like your writing is doing really well. Keep your chin up, you're doing great :)
ReplyDeleteRachel x
September IWSG co-host
When we're young, we don't understand when older people tell us that our health is everything. Not until we realize the truth of it. Sorry you've been struggling. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteHi Sheena-kay. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Always scary. Hope you feel your old self soon! Health is so important! Can't do much without it!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you've been sick. I hope you feel better. You have a great attitude, though. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteDoctors are only human so we have to be careful not to put our full trust in them all the time. At least some things have been sorted out.Many hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about your illnesses. That sounds so frustrating and uncomfortable. I wonder if the medication is mostly used for one thing, but can be effective at treating others? I've had that happen to me before--the pharmacist said, "But this is for xxx." Meanwhile, my doctor knew it had been successfully used to treat the issue I was having as well.
ReplyDeleteHope that's all it was! Here's hoping you feel better soon.
Thank you for stopping by to visit my site today for #IWSG. Sorry to hear you've had to self-diagnose but you know your own body best. A true writer, you work through the pain!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLike you I too am petrified of careless doctors who cure one problem, but end up giving us a couple more as a side-effect of their medicines.
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling better soon and get things worked out. Sinuses can be a bear.
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you're going through with allergies. Sometimes I think I'm allergic to the whole world. You can develop new and different allergies over time, and if you change locations. It's just wonderful. NOT! Keep after your doc(s) until they can get most of them under control. I think that's all we can ask. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling better soon. Those air fresheners and perfumes are the WORST for me! So hard to breathe around them!!
ReplyDeleteYou've got the right positive attitude, Sheena.
ReplyDeleteAllergies are miserable - I live in allergy county, so share your burden. Sorry to hear that the meds are adding to your woes. They tend to make me groggy and the opposite of creative. Hope its behind you soon!
ReplyDeleteFamily is sometimes the WORST at supporting when you believe something is wrong. Smh. I hope you feel better soon.