Red Series

Monday, 4 July 2016

Getting Personal: The Beat Goes On

First off a quick Happy July 4th to all my peeps celebrating that special day. For me it's Monday.

Hi, yes it's me. Back in the best scenario. It's funny that we writers want to write yet when that pile up happens we just want to do anything but. Not an option in freelance writing when people have paid for you to get up off your ass and work. So here I am having regular work. My least money woes summer. Yet I'm tired and somewhat miserable. The work load was unexpected because a few customers do make big orders that I just had not expected. Yes it is good for the pocket but not anything else. Plus I have the health stuff and another confirmed flu bout late last week...I'm stressed.

Yet I named my post today 'The Beat Goes On'. Why you might ask. Because life will not stop because I have a bad day, week or year. Everything will go on no matter how my view point whirls. So that means one thing in my humble opinion. I need to pull up my boot straps, re-organize my time so that I can better manage my work load, not alert wayward customers who only drop orders when they feel like it and not when they are supposed to, get more sleep and keep a positive attitude. Yup I'm staying positive because no matter what there is good here. I get to write more which will strengthen my writing and increase my speed, more money means a lot of good things and I am writing full-time without going broke as soon as expenses come in! That's amazing!

So even with the stress I have right now I'm grateful for all the advantages I have received. Never let anything overwhelm the good things in your life. There is always a positive spin or light at the end of the tunnel. Glad to be blogging again and hanging with my people on the internet. Blogs Rule!


  1. so, it seems we're more or less in the same situation, minus the flu :) I never have those... I pray in the shrine of vitamins :)
    Hope we get monies for all the work we're doing this summer. I'm currently translating the third book of Infernal Devices, waiting for the publisher to pay me the first two LOL

    1. Hard at work I see Dez. Keep praying and thanks for stopping by.

  2. It's always good to be able to see the good when we're struggling. Gives us a reason to press on. Happy Independence Day!

  3. You have a good attitude with it all. Just do the best you can with what you have to work with and I hope you feel better soon!


  4. My work is so busy at the moment, it's absolutely ridiculous. It's the reason I haven't been blogging much, and why I hardly ever get time to write. It pays the bills, though, I guess! Good luck getting through your workload :)

  5. Wow, you sound so busy, and mostly with stuff you don't like. I freelanced for a while. Too much work for too little money and no time for my own writing. I just waited until I could retire and then started writing. Still, I don't do near as much writing as I should (too busy with emails, doing favors for people, and social media). You're an inspiration and I hope you get your health back for the rest of the summer!

    1. I have better balance on the cost because I changed the price a few months in and have not budged. Lost a few potential orders but I'm not one of those who will write 5,000 words for less than $20. That is ridiculous. I'm an inspiration? Oh thank you so much Lexa. I really like your blog and how you post helpful stuff from time to time for bloggers and readers alike.

  6. Great attitude and happy 4th of July, I hope you have a great day!

  7. You and me both, for sure! I referred another writer to one of my clients recently because he gave me nine 700-word articles to write "before vacation." That was four days. I had numerous other assignments, too, so I had to say, "No." I'm learning to say that more often these days!

    1. I have no problem saying no. What some clients do that annoy is make the order without consulting me like they know from the rules list that they are supposed to. I avoid checking on those people for updates because I rather they not come back. Glad to see you get me Steph!

  8. I hope your stress lessens and you have better days. :)

  9. I hope you feel better soon and that you get all your work done. My clients tend to be on the same schedule and it can make my life crazy. I got very sick over the spring because if it and now I'm scaling back. Health comes first.

    1. Amen Kelly and take care of yourself as well.

  10. Replies
    1. It's a way of life I never want to lose Tammy.

  11. It really is a blessing to be able to write full-time and make ends meet. Plus, you have all of us to keep supporting you.
    Be well and keep on keepin' on.

  12. You have many positive thoughts which will help you to write full-time. Have a nice time!

  13. Glad that you are blogging. Cool pics with the post. Hang in there. Hopefully it'll get easier soon.


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