As my last post for 2016 I think I have really set up an exciting post. You get both a post for the latest WEP challenge that pushes writers to create stories based off specific themes and a cover reveal for an upcoming novel. Pretty sweet I think.
The theme for December 2016's WEP challenge is Uptopian Dreams. Whether they up being a true utopia or transform into a nightmare is up to you. Click here to find out more or for list of participants. Below I share a poem about a very different type of utopia. The Don
Gunfire, strife and poverty are all outsiders see.
When they hear of our vibrant community.
Little schooling yet some of us have more
in our homes than the middle class
who kill off themselves repaying student loans.
Working class is just a nice way to say poor.
But I 'The Don' say there is much more.
The clubbing, sense of loyalty, protection from police.
Always having someone in charge to dispense justice.
Outside you are all running wild.
With a government only interested in their own bottom line.
Why you think my people protest when one of us dies?
None of us can really rely on the cops.
Politicians only show up for votes and photo ops.
The Don is always there for his own and will
never allow disrespect to go without atone.
Violence and bloodshed happens yes.
Yet when it happen over tourist hot spot
the same people after us are quick to assure
the world that the violence is not a life brand.
But where I am from is called dangerous, volatile.
The hypocrisy runs rampant and wild.
Still I am fine and will go on until the world stop spin.
Because The Don is no one man or woman.
But the Utopian ideal for communities no one cares about.
At least until photo ops, votes and life bios are needed.
Keep your hypocrisy, we live in utopia already.
The Billionaire's Package Cover Reveal
The following cover reveal is brought to you by Xpresso Book Tours. I signed up for this reveal via the author online. Now look below to see the swanky cover and read about this upcoming novel's plot. Is it the perfect book for you? Read on to find out.
The Billionaire’s Package Kyle Autumn (Thirsty Thursday Series #1) Publication date: January 25th 2017 Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
One day, I’m doing my job and minding my own business…
Okay. Maybe sitting behind the desk of the richest, most powerful man in our city isn’t considered minding my own business. But I’m only here because I’m doing my job. That part is true.
I’m a package handler at National Express, and today, I have a package for Mr. Charles Masters, billionaire and CEO of Launchpad Systems, the biggest tech company in the nation. And, when I’m caught red-handed getting a little too comfortable behind his desk, he looks at me like he wants me to handle his package.
It’s too bad he turns out to be a pompous caveman.
Except he’s an incredibly hot pompous caveman. And I can’t stop thinking about him.
I can’t wait to tell the girls about this at the next Thirsty Thursday…
——————- Chaz
The board of the company I built from the ground up doesn’t approve of the way I’m living my life. In fact, they don’t just disapprove—they want me to change.
Their plan is to throw me a fake engagement party to show the world I’m a changed “family man” now. And my right-hand man sends that plan spiraling out of control when he sends the local package delivery woman into my office.
It’s too bad she turns out to be so sensitive and unresponsive to my charm.
Except she’s incredibly sexy when she’s upset. And I have to make things right.
Maybe the board was right about this “family man” stuff after all…
Kyle Autumn is the author of sexy contemporary romances that will melt your heart and your panties. She also writes erotic short stories series that will likely melt your panties more than your heart. She loves chocolate and pajamas. Can't be bothered to brush her hair most days. Can always be bothered to write her pants--er, pajama bottoms--off
Her debut book will release in January of 2017, the first in a series of three romances centered around four woman (two of which are package handlers for a delivery service) who meet up every Thursday at their favorite bar. She also writes super-short, super-sexy stories to tickle your erotic bone. ;)
That's it for 2016. Let me know what you think of my poem entry and do you have any thought's on Kyle's upcoming novel? Thanks for stopping by and for supporting my blog. Merry Christmas and God Bless.
Well it's here folks. The second to last post that I'll be doing for 2016. I'm sure this year has brought both ups and downs for everyone across the globe. From the JLP winning the election and ousting the PNP in Jamaica early this year to the recent win by Donald Trump in United States presidential election. This year has brought on all sorts of surprises. Some joyous and divisive as shifts in government and as unfortunate and horribly as crime and acts of war/terror. No matter what it is up to each and everyone of us to chose. Rise or Fall. There is no in between. Not unless you like rolling around in misery without direction. Hell no from me on that.
I choose to rise.
Some people are like this right now.
Well my thoughts are very different. Why rise above later when I can just be on top right now?
Yup. I choose happiness. You hear me world! HAPPINESS!!!
And for anyone looking to quash my happiness. Dare try steal my joy? Well this is what you'll get in the name of Jesus, son of God.
So don't. Leave my glad Christian self alone and go off you trifling person, demon, whatever. GET!
Thanks for stopping by and do you feel that you've been able to hold unto your happiness in 2016? I had my bad moments but that was all they were, moments. My life is a happy one and despite any setbacks, I hope yours is too. And if not, blaze through that problem until it goes up in smoke. Pray too if that's what you are inclined to do. Just don't give up and if you need a rest, take it then go on.
Happy Holidays and God Bless. See on Wednesday for WEP post and a cover reveal.
Wishing everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I will be blogging until the 21st (Monday 19th and Wednesday 21st) of December then taking a blogging break until January 2nd. I'll still be reading posts in between so I'll be with you in spirit.
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that allows us to spotlight books we are eagerly anticipating to be released.
Today my WOW is the sequel to And I Darken. Kiersten is back again and the cover alone is stunning. How can I not be excited for this book? The blood and rivalry will be stupendous!
Summary (from Goodreads: Lada Dracul has no allies. No throne. All she has is what she’s always had: herself. After failing to secure the Wallachian throne, Lada is out to punish anyone who dares to cross her blood-strewn path. Filled with a white-hot rage, she storms the countryside with her men, accompanied by her childhood friend Bogdan, terrorizing the land. But brute force isn’t getting Lada what she wants. And thinking of Mehmed brings little comfort to her thorny heart. There’s no time to wonder whether he still thinks about her, even loves her. She left him before he could leave her.
What Lada needs is her younger brother Radu’s subtlety and skill. But Mehmed has sent him to Constantinople—and it’s no diplomatic mission. Mehmed wants control of the city, and Radu has earned an unwanted place as a double-crossing spy behind enemy lines. Radu longs for his sister’s fierce confidence—but for the first time in his life, he rejects her unexpected plea for help. Torn between loyalties to faith, to the Ottomans, and to Mehmed, he knows he owes Lada nothing. If she dies, he could never forgive himself—but if he fails in Constantinople, will Mehmed ever forgive him?
Today I'm happy to say that Carrie Butler's latest novel, As We Know It has been released. A disaster romance and Action/Adventure that will shake and turn you inside out. Carrie has been a blogger, writer and graphic artists for years now. This is not her first rodeo book release and you'll be thrilled to know the book is worth the wait. Don't go anywhere, there's more...
Book Trailer
Like what you see? Well scroll on down to see more!
The novel starts with Elena trying to get over an awful break up. Her best friend pushed her into going on a trip and rekindling the woman she used to be. The confident one who wouldn't let one man shatter her so badly. Little did Elena know that a pickpocket and a horrible earthquake were both on the horizon. Stuck in a disaster zone, it will take everything for both to make it alive and this disaster might just be what both need to get out of their comfort zones and find what they're truly searching for. Moping and stealing never gives you your true heart's desire. But can an Earthquake?
I really enjoyed reading this novel and so grateful for the arc I got to read this book in advance. Well readers I enjoyed this book so much that I pre-ordered a copy from Amazon. I recommend this book both for lovers of cross genre books and those who enjoy romance, Action/Adventure and/or disaster novels. If you're one not held up by labels, give this book a try. They are twists and turns that will make you do an about face. I wanted to hunt down that awful ex of Elena's before finishing the first chapter. This book was intense before the earthquake even hit! Highly recommend but be careful if you're drinking something. Don't want to spit anything out on your precious book or reading device.
Bio: Carrie Butler is an award-winning author and the owner of Forward Authority full-service studio—not to mention an inbound-certified marketer with a penchant for superhero socks and Firefly. Time away from her desk is spent playing with her rescue pup, yelling at the TV during hockey season, and indulging in target-based recreation. Otherwise, you’re likely to find her glued to her chair, discovering new ways to share her daydreams.
I just want to send a big thank you for all the support sent my way. After being hurt and venting it is important to heal and move on. Thanks for all those who have sent kind words helping that journey. No need to comment, see you all on Monday. God Bless.
Warning: This is a RANT. If you want my December IWSG post CLICK HERE.
I know I said I would be back on Monday but I had to make this post. In November I bought a Halloween novella and read it. I thought the book was poorly done and after considering things left this rating on amazon.
I also left a review explaining why I thought it was poor. Yes it was tough but I thought the book was bad and left a review saying such. There was another review that was glowing though. So like in life everyone has their own thoughts on something. To date there a two reviews on this book. My two star and another reader's four star review/rating. I have no intention on changing my review in light of what happened. I have never back tracked on a review in my life. I won't start now. If you think I was harsh fine but please read on because I'm certain no reader/author I know would ever do what this author did in response.
But then I also did this review for another of her books. One that I thought was way better. Note the date on both, November 16, 2016. Left both reviews on the same day.
Now you might wonder then why do I have a post with the spiteful author title. It's because apparently this same author decided that my negative review was so uncalled for that she decided to do a posts for IWSG. But not just any post but one lying that not only did I leave a negative review but also that she came to my blog in November 2016 and left me a comment. One that apparently left me so incensed that I went back to Amazon and changed my review from a three star to the current two. Funny that she never mentioned that I left more than one review, just the two star one.
Now needless to say when I read this I was flabbergasted. I don't care that she didn't call me by name. This lie was clearly well thought out and planned. Not only because none of this happened (aside from leaving a two star review). But also because I had been introduced to this author through another writers blog post. I read her story and felt so touched that I decided to buy her book despite having others higher on my list. When I was disappointed by the book, I left my frank review like I always do. I also saw that I had a previous book by her and read that one as well. That book I was happy with and left a four star review. Which was after leaving the negative one.
Here is the link to the IWSG blogpost if you want to read this. I refuse to call this female by name. Also here is the snippet of the lie that blew me away.
However if being lied on wasn't bad enough. I got to see comments from readers who had been tricked by this author's false story. Their thoughts was not just on the male reader who also left a bad review but of this other female reader (me) who not not only left a negative review but also decided to change her rating because an author had the nerve to visit her blog. The one below pulled me over the edge and made me write this post. It was by an author and blogger I look up to. I just couldn't accept seeing these words she had been bamboozled into writing.
Image (and name) removed by request of the commenter who was a victim of a blogger's lies. I'll just leave the line from her comment. I'm just grateful she immediately knew the accusations were untrue the second she saw my blogpost.
The line that got me: 'That last one, who lowered the star rating from a 3 to 2. Wow. That was uncalled for.'
No lie, it hurt me to my core to see this. Because it just didn't happen. Note: I have received an apology for the above comment. So glad that the truth is out now and spreading. Thanks for all the support everyone.
I had also decided to check through my November post to see where this author left me this so called comment that supposedly made me drop my rating. Readers, there was no such comment. She never came to my blog and left a comment in November. If she had, I would have kindly let her know that I have given low star reviews before including for best selling authors like Julie Kagawa. And when readers commented on my blog, none thought my review and low rating were mean spirited. I frankly stated about the poor writing and story and everyone was fine with my frank opinion. At least one or two also commented on this author's blog as well.
Which comes to what I did after seeing all these lies. I decided for starters to leave a comment of my own. Read it below. I'm not afraid of calling out liars and I did so without mercy.
Yeah. I stick to every word that I said. You don't like my review, fine. But to go lie that I changed my rating and then insinuate later that I must be some bitter woman whose writing career didn't take off? How dare you? You want to know who I am. Let you give you five quick points.
1. I am a proud christian Jamaican lifetime virgin who doesn't have the time to go around changing ratings like the seasons just because an author didn't kiss the ring I don't have.
2. I am a friendly helpful person and blogger who just can't understand a person like you.
3. For real? You decided to lie on a reviewer? For real?
4. I have early onset arthritis and exhaustion issues. Your evil lying post almost gave me a heart attack you lying sack of human parts. Shame on you! I had to walk around my room trying to calm myself as my body is in a somewhat delicate state and didn't need your bullshit. But at the same time my soul is a strong old bird and is raining 32 year old fire on your lying ass.
5. I am a drafter who has a proud little freelancing job online ghostwriting drafts for potential writers of the future. So yes my life must suck so much from my lack of books published by me. It's not like I have plans for at least six books in 2017 (one a stand alone the other a five novella set), a photo shoot to plan a new NA series in 2018 and other self publishing plans. So yeah, I'm real bitter. I hate having a good life for myself. What a bummer. Just wait until I get that call from an agent. Awful!
So to end this. Forget you lady. You don't like my review, fine. But to go around lying on me? How low can you go? Go with God and good night.
PS- Dear Readers: Sorry that after IWSG I had to post this ranty mess. If I go online and lie on anyone I hope to get roasted a thousand times worse. I review and leave frank thoughts. You don't have to like a review but lying never solves anything. God Bless you all and let's stay honest.
Welcome to another IWSG and today we are doing something special on this little blog of mine. Over the last few years I have been adding in my love of movies along with everything writing and bookish. Today we go full on and my only insecurity is how much fun you'll have. Kidding, this is going to be loads of fun. Long post though so strap in everyone! Oh and I curse a few times in this. Advance warning.
I will be listing top movies for 2017 (in my opinion) according to a set of lists. These lists were inspired by Grace Randolph, a Youtuber with both the Beyond the Trailer and Movie Math channels. She even recently also started selling merchandise as well. A busy lady and one of the most reliable when it comes to keeping me informed on Entertainment News.
Grace Randolph
Me: Hi Grace! *Waves*
Note: You can come back and check out this new video featuring great Black Panther info. Read on.
Last year she had the special lists of Originals, Sequels and Wild Cards to show her thoughts of the 2016 movie landscape. This year she returned with the list but made some changes. The lists for 2017 predictions were Blockbusters, Wild Cards and Regular Movies. Inspired by these changes I decided to do my own. My lists are Money Busters, Dead Weight and Wild Cards. So give Grace a big thank you for inspiring this post and maybe I'll make it a yearly event as well.
Money Busters - Movies that are expected to make huge sums of money
10. Transformers: The Last Knight: That teaser trailer...I promised to see this one in theaters because I was pissed I missed seeing the last one in theaters (seen all of them at home so far). Now I'm kinda mad that this is what I pledged to go see. What the hell were those writers hired for? This thing has even more madness and less story than before! But man do I love me some giant robots and nothing will keep me from seeing Transformers on the big screen at least once. Plus the franchise just keeps making money. Lots of money. It will do so with or without my ticket purchase.
9. The Lego Batman Movie: If there is any justice in the world it will make loads of money. Unless Warner fucks it up. Don't you dare perform trailer trickery on me again!
8. Fifty Shades Darker: Just accept that this is a huge money maker already people! A writer turned her Twilight fan fiction into gold. That is just how it is.
7. Justice League: I can hear the gasps at this movie not being higher. Yes both Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad made DC and Warner Bros. a nice chunk of change. But the former under performed in comparison to two previous Nolan Batman movies and Suicide Squad was raked over the coals despite good profit. Hardcore DC fans are still on the train but there has been talk of a shaky mainstream. So while there is money to be had. The question is, how much?
6. Despicable Me 3: The animated movie of 2017 that is not allowed to make less than a billion dollars. Need I explain why it got this high up the list? Plus The Secret Life of Pets can boast that it beat a batman movie as one of the top grossing movies of 2016. That is quite an act to follow.
5. Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2: Sorry this gem of a sequel just can't go any higher. The top four have a rabid fan base that will only turn on these movies if the studio head murders an infant and post it on Instagram. Yup, GOTG Vol 2 should make a billion dollars and has cool trending teaser trailers. But it just couldn't beat the formidable block that's the top 4.
4. Fast 8: If you know a reason why this movie isn't beyond guaranteed to make a billion dollars plus bank. Feel free to tell me.
3. Beauty and the Beast: No it's not #1. No I don't care if you decide to burn my blog address.
2. Spiderman Homecoming: Same response as in #3.
1. Star Wars Episode Eight: See? Told you the top four was a tough set of movies. I'm no Star Wars expert or mega fan but this movie is the one that will rise above just about all the others.
Dead Weight: Do I really need to explain? No? Good!
And yes I'm starting with #1. Plus there is only five movies to suffer through until Wild Cards List.
1. Emoji Movie: Express Yourself: I am furious this garbage is even being made. Wasn't Norm of the North enough theater level animation trash (no I don't need to see it. More than enough traumatized online personalities have said it's terrible. I mean a twerking polar bear? Good Heavens!)? At least Trolls 2016 from what I heard is passable-ish. I'll leave you with the synopsis (THAT IS A SYNOPSIS?) from Wikipedia. Fuck this movie. You bet I said it! I'll say it again and again. *Bleep*
The movie will center on Gene, a multi-expressional emoji, as he sets out on a journey to become a normal emoji.
2. Monster Trucks: This should be a low budget DVD movie at best. But somehow has nearly double the budget of the Deadpool movie. What the hell Paramount? The trailer is below. Moving on.
3. It: Another horror movie remake packed with young folk. What could go wrong? Sorry S. King. Oh and the new Pennywise stole Ron's prom robes. Yeah, real nice pic there.
4. King Arthur: Legacy of The Sword: There is absolutely no buzz for this movie. Let Transformers have King Arthur for 2017 and movie this beautiful tragedy to 2018. Guy Ritchie. Otherwise this movie will get eaten alive, no matter how good it might actually be. The trailer was okay but Kong: Skull Island crushed it by far. Then the recent new trailer ended all doubt that it will be epic. Just get this movie moved to 2018 for the sake of all involved.
5. Flatliners: Who asked for this remake? Seriously? Oh and Nina Dobrev is a great choice. Bring in the actress who when she left Vampire Diaries that the following Season 6 was one of their best yet. I loved her on the show but when a top star leaves and the show gets better, that's a bad sign. And VD aint exactly a series of epic greatness to begin with. She's back for Season 7 but it's the final one anyway. After all that she's in this remake. Oh and Kiefer Sutherland is there to tempt me to see this movie. I have one thing to say to that....
Wild Cards - Those movie risks that will either pay off or burn the studio that made them
10. Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman is the next DCEU movie on the horizon and word is it has a lot of pressure on it's shoulders. If WW tanks and mainstream turns skittish, that could spell diminished returns for Justice League. So let's hope that doesn't happen since they need the mainstream viewers to get the big returns. The trailer was epic so if the movie is then the cash will roll right on in.
9. Coco: At first when I saw this on Grace's list I thought she was crazy. Pixar going back to original movies risky? Oh come on, you complained about their sequel run, shame on you! But then I got me some thinking. Yes this is in fact a risk. Especially since the teaser trailer for Cars 3 has suddenly turned it from the joke of Pixar movies to a true contender. One teaser! Plus let's not forget what happened to The Good Dinosaur. Firstly this original film just couldn't attach itself to audiences like Inside Out did. Second, it didn't get a China release. Ouch! Now Coco is likely to not get a China release because of the ghostly side of this film that deals with a Mexican holiday celebrating the dead. Yes it has a great idea and I have loved some of the art I've seen. But this return to original film carries a risk factor that could affect the quality future of Pixar. Remember, they're with Disney now and that studio is looking for cash cows most of all.
8. Boss Baby: With their Trolls 2016 movie clearly a decent hit but mostly merchandise cash grab. DreamWorks Animation needs a hit badly. Especially after Croods 2 was recently cancelled. They need to prove to Universal that buying them out was a plus and not a minus.
7. Underworld: Blood Wars: Selene is back and ready to help us forget what an abortion the previous movie in this franchise was. The trailer was pretty good and I hope this movie is too.
6. The Dark Tower: Never read the books but the premise is interesting and definitely looking way more forward to this than It remake. The cast is solid and the race bending has not caused much of an angry stir so things seem good so far. Hopefully that helps make this movie a good release next year.
5. Ghost in the Shell: Lord have mercy the white washing is fierce and so is the anger! But the trailer looks good and if enough fans and movie goers overlook 'white Asian woman', it could do well.
4. Baywatch: Who wanted a Rated R Baywatch? I was turned off upon hearing the rating. I already have Fifty Shades of Grey. Why the hell do I need Twenty-Five Shades of Ocean? Also the buzz seems specific to those who want to see nudity, The Rock and a couple millennials. Not mainstream at all from where I am sitting and that could pose a problem. Also it goes up against the new Pirates movie with Wonder Woman coming the following week. Not to mention it's May 2017 so Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 will be out by then. Hopefully Paramount gave this a string bikini budget.
3. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets: Europe wants to wow us with a sci-fi masterpiece. The trailer was a sight to behold but so was the female character's name axed from the title (unlike the comic) and some aliens having features and weapons that point to marginalized people/cultures. I really hope this movie has a thick skin as the release day approaches. Yikes.
2. Power Rangers: A gritty version of a beloved long existing franchise? This movie could go either way next year.
1. Logan: I'm sure some of you are like...
But hear me out. Fox has been having some hard runs with the X-Men franchise. The third one in the new trilogy made less than the previous film and criticism over the lack of aging across decades was valid. Now with Logan there is no question characters have not only aged but died. Also there just seemed to be a quality and grittiness to it that makes me forgive the move to Rated R. There might be some gimmick because of Deadpool but it seems Fox wants to do this right and send Logan off with a bang. Of course trailers aren't everything and with their shaky history, Logan becomes a huge risk with the potential for great rewards or a world of regrets. Please be great, please be great.
Thanks for staying with me through out this list. Even if some of you just read the movies and skipped my thoughts to get to the end quicker. *Eye twitches* Anyway I hope you enjoyed this special IWSG Movie combo. See you all on Monday. Don't worry I'll be visiting blogs. Just need time to replenish and get more writing done. This was loads of fun and God Bless all of you.
I'm planning a big IWSG this Wednesday combining both that and my movie post. Taking inspiration from a youtuber and bringing you something a little different. But in written form. Sorry but I'm not ready to go into the video world just yet.
So enjoy the trailers below. The trailer reaction at the bottom is by nerdy Youtuber Blacknerd who happens to have the same first name as my younger brother (Andre) and my sadly deceased cousin. Let me know what you think of these videos. See you on Wednesday for IWSG and God Bless.
Yes you read it right. My special post is a giveaway. After all these years I thought it would be a nice gesture. I believe I did one giveaway years ago. Now I'm back with another. Surprise!
1. You have commented before on this blog. Yes, I'm rewarding current readers and past visitors. Sorry newbies, this is for those who have been with me before December 2016.
2. Join Google Friend Connect. If you can't please state so and why. If you really can't join up using GFC, that can be forgiven as long as you explain why (even in simple terms like 'wonky internet' or 'annoying interface').
3. Comment on this post and let me know you want to enter. You have until December 24th and I'll announce the winner early January 2017.
What do you win?
A book of course that cost under $20. It can be paperback or Ebook. Amazon for The Book Depository. Whichever has the book and the most affordable shipping. Sorry if shipping cost $10 or more on Amazon, it better be on TBD. It can be any type of book that does not sound like a 'how to murder' or 'kidnap that random person' help book. So just don't be creepy in your choice. I think that's fair.
So that's it. Just follow the requirements and enter the giveaway if you want to win a book for the New Year. Thank you for sticking with me and all the best. Feel free to pick or book now or wait until after you win. Either way you can change your mind and the book can be ebook, paperback or hardback. Just as long as it cost under $20 (and has reasonable shipping cost if using Amazon). God Bless and see you guys on Monday.
Hey guys, hope Wednesday is treating you well. Yesterday was my Birthday and I had a nice time at home relaxing. My parents decided to treat my stomach and I went to bed pretty stuffed and happy. All without having to go out. The life of a freshly 32 homebody.
Anyway today I'll be promoting Tara's new book coming out tomorrow December 1st and doing the goal hop. First up is Cradle Rock and just look at the cover and marvel at the beauty folks. This is the second book following Gabe the goblin and there is no question that adventure is on the horizon. Also there's a giveaway and list of party hosts.
Gabe the goblin just saved his town Broken Branch Falls from splitting apart. He also revealed that humans--horrible creatures of myth and legend--may actually be part of their history! But seriously? Nah!
Now Ona, Gabe’s girlfriend, is headed thousands of miles away to Camp Cradle Rock for Spring Break seeking evidence of humans. Gabe knows better than to tell a stubborn ogress she’s crazy, so he’s letting her go and spending the break at the beach like a normal teenage beast. And he’s determined to have a good time without her, whether he likes it or not.
But when Gabe hears Ona went missing, he and his friends set out for the wilds of the west to find her, no matter what dangerous creatures get in his way. Not even humans.
Tara is also giving away signed copies of Broken Branch Falls and Cradle Rock, some Beast World swag, and a $20 GC!
Do you Have Goals Hop?
I have been a bit wishy washy with this hop but that's about to change. I plan to change my goal to writing 30,000 words a month for my own work. For right now I'll just talk about where I am with my writing.
Sadly Nanowrimo was a wash. The terrible flu and exhaustion combo I had only recently went and while I was well enough to do most things, writing just had to go to the left. I just couldn't get my mind right and it was exhausting. So I ended up with less than 3,000 words for Nanowrimo 2016. Also I realized the story was more suitable as NA instead of YA.
On a happier front I got some photo samples recently from the photographer and I'm loving them. My 2018 NA horror is thankfully moving along more smoothly. I can't wait for the shoot to be done in January and then I can move unto the cover around March.
I have decided that since I want to be known foremost as a YA novelist that I'll be putting a full novel out before I publish my novella collection. I have decided to publish one novella collection a year. 2017 will have The Missing Girls, 2018 will have The Sacrifice series and 2019 will have a fairytales collection. These will be published at once with at least five short novels. For my first novel, I decided to go Fantasy YA and will be working on The Rabbit's Princess. A standalone novel in which a princess whose betrothed is stuck as a rabbit after rescuing her father from that awful fate, gets thrown into an unexpected adventure that takes her beyond the borders of her home.
2017 will be quite an eventful year. Not sure when I'll fit in looking for an agent for one of my other YA or MG manuscripts, but I'll survive. Freelancers are known to be hard workers. Thanks for coming by today guys and God Bless. Oh and did I add that I'm working on reviving my Wattpad?
P.S.: I'll be doing a blog post on Thursday (tomorrow) so there will be no Friday post this week.
Tomorrow is my birthday and since I don't usually post on Tuesdays I'll just drop my celebration post here now. I had fun on Black Friday, not only because of all the ebooks I got (sorry digital movies) but I decided to venture out during Jamaica's sane sale version and bought a new phone. Finally I have a phone that can take pictures and go in the internet. But mostly take pictures at the theater to add to my movie posts. I'm a strange bird and no I'm not big on selfies. One of the first pictures I took of was....
Yup. I took a picture of my lunch. Don't worry I'm not one of 'those' people who take a picture of everything and posts it. But I just wanted to show off. Yeah, this is my 'being fancy'. Also took a picture of a few books on my TBR over the weekend and posted it on my critically lonely Instagram (less than 10 photos on that thing). Did I say I wanted to show off? Plus the author of Three Dark Crowns, Kendare Blake, liked and left a comment on it. So that's a win.
My birthday plans are pretty simple. I'm likely to stay in because I really felt I went all out on Friday and even my father jokingly told me 'Happy Birthday'. I have multiple ebooks ready to read thanks to huge discounts (including The Chemist by Meyer - Twilight author. $4.99 was fine since I was NEVER paying the regular $14.99) and only felt a tiny tingle of bad over abandoning my digital movie buys plan. But I'm a book girl and on Sunday I was able to get a hardback for nearly half price. Won't reveal which book just yet but it was my only non-ebook purchase (besides me going out and buying my new phone) I made. The internet is just amazing.
Thanks for stopping by and November 29 can't come soon enough. To all my readers from over the years, I wish you all the happiness and gratitude in the world. God Bless.
Yesterday for the United States was a special day and I hope all of you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Today in many countries is Black Friday. A day of deals and steals but IRL and online. I'll be sticking to the internet kind with Amazon. It will be the first time in two years where I won't be buying a physical book around Black Friday period. But I have already found multiple deals already and considering possibly taking up deals for digital movies as well. Two I thought rentals at best (have not bought digital before but planned to) are now half off between $7-$9. Way better than $15-$19 bucks a pop. Netflix will still be a big part of my online television and movie viewing of course. However I can finally start getting a few videos of my own to keep and digital is much more convenient than shipping DVDs. Plus the last time I went to the DVD section in Jamaica was years ago and when I saw those prices...I walked away. NO.
So all of you have a great day. I will be sitting by my computer in between freelance work and my own writing, snagging up deals. Especially since they're all from gift cards I won taking part in Facebook events. So no out of pocket. God is good. Take care everyone and God Bless.
Monday Mishmash is a weekly meme created by Kelly Hashway for sharing what's going on in your life and noggin. You just grab a button and post your business...I mean thoughts online. No biggie. Have fun!
1. Still going with Nanowrimo. Win or not I'm glad I started this novel.
2. Health fluctuating right now. A bad flu has collided with my exhaustion. Taking things very slowly.
3. Freelance work is on the move.
4. Reading a few books including novellas. Been picking up some interesting new reads through Facebook book events online. I buy books myself most of the time but decided to try and win a few kindle reads recently.
5. Plan to find time to start watching Netflix's The Crown. Been hearing good things.
6. Also Fantastic Beasts movie had a positive box office though the United States first week box office total did not beat Dr. Strange. The latter which I'm really hoping can pass 700 million if not 800. Plus, The Secret Life of Pets just knocked Batman v Superman out of the number five spot for top grossing movies of 2016. Proving the power of animation can go up against superhero movies beyond those made by Disney and Pixar. Illumination must be ecstatic along with Universal.
This week had two marvelous trailers drop. Both are magnificent in their own way. I'll leave them here for you to take in and enjoy your weekend. God Bless.
Early 2017 will see me bringing to the author website! Yay! It will be on WordPress but don't worry. I will not be leaving Blogger. I'll have a separate blog there specifically for writing news and keep this as a personal blog. Where I'll also drop some writing news...yeah. So yes I'm moving forward on my writing journey and it's so exciting. I'm going to be getting a tagline and everything.
I have admittedly been going over lately on branding and how to frame myself. At the start of my blogging journey I thought I'd just write fiction (in young adult of course) and have my poetry too. As time has passed however. I have come to realize that I am so much more than one genre. As a teen while I finished a young adult based novella with Nichelle Harper (and another that sadly disappeared when the teacher I lent my little masterpiece left and forgot to give it back. I still have unfinished drafts though. That was supposed to be book one of a series with a group of sisters attending university. Ironic to now realize that was my first NA novel), there were also more adult but unfinished works.
Sam (I'll call it that for now, it might have been the title) was an incomplete manuscript I started after 9/11. I was angry about some of the bombing perpetuated by the United States that resulted in civilian deaths as they were fighting the terrorists. So I came up with a story where both America and Germany joined forces as dictators to take over the world. In my mind I felt it was unfair that innocent people were dying and I heard little about it on cable and saw more information in local papers including pictures of children with lost limbs. Another one, Pen Pals, was a story I started because I loved the idea of a pen pals. But I wanted to put a dark twist on it. In that story a young woman is attacked and the perpetrator gets away. Years later she has a pen pal who turns out to be the attack. Problem is due to an accident, he has no memory of that incident. The story was supposed to be a journey for the truth, then justice and forgiveness. Both are unfinished and there was even a third one started with a friend but you get the idea. I was never a one trick fiction pony.
Today I have a variety of novels and novellas planned. The novels I plan to release one to two maybe a year. The novellas for each series I plan to drop all at once. Starting with The Missing Girls in 2017 which is Contemporary fiction written in verse. However there are other books I want to write and they go across a variety of genres. Huntress will be book one of a NA Horror series which I hope to drop in 2018. My Royme pseudonym for adult fiction should have book one of a fantasy series with erotic undertones by late 2017. Which does not include the one shot novels that range from fantasy to espionage (which falls under both corporate and economic espionage apparently in my book) to sci-fi. So in short I have become a melting pot of genres and stories that are vying for attention and time.
So there's a lot planned for the future. Including my freelance writing for clients. However I have a question before I go. Do you think as an author not planning to write mostly in verse that dropping a verse novella collection first is a good idea? Or should I publish a novel first to establish my writing style in fiction first? Let me know your thoughts and God Bless.
Monday Mishmash is a weekly meme created by Kelly Hashway for sharing what's going on in your life and noggin. You just grab a button and post your business...I mean thoughts online. No biggie. Have fun! 1. Over the weekend there was a lot of talk on twitter about a certain 2017 release YA with overtones that were considered very racist or prejudiced. Word of warning. If you make your fictional characters in any way based off or similar to marginalized people in the real world...prepare to get blasted if you do it in a way that offends them. Especially when your book allegedly has potential 'white savior' syndrome. That really needs to stop. NOW. 2. Writing will be a big thing this week. With Nano going on and freelance orders...time to work. 3. I'm going to start watching shows on Netflix again. Just need to schedule things so I'm not still writing at night. I missed you. 4. Read at least two books this week. I keep starting and stopping with books of late. That needs to end. 5. Continue dropping in on Facebook book events. They're fun. So that's it for me. Pretty regular week ahead. Except for that it's Nano and my birthday month! God Bless.