Red Series

Monday, 18 May 2015

Blood, Boobs and Carnage Blogfest

Today is the Blood, Boobs and Carnage Blogfest host by Alex Cavanaugh and Heather Gardner

Blogfest: On May 18, 2015, post about a movie, television show, book, or all three that falls into the category of Blood, Boobs, and Carnage. (Or just Blood and Carnage or other mixture.) It can be any genre that fits the bill – fantasy, science fiction, action, adventure, western, thriller, etc. Post the badge and visit other participants. 

The Terminator is one of the best known sci-fi action films ever made. I chose it for my Blood, Boobs and Carnage pick because it has everything. Maybe the boobage is of a more tame nature than of recent film make but the Blood and Carnage are off the charts. When The Terminator goes back in time to eliminate Sarah Connor before her son can become a threat to the machines in the future carnage comes early on as at first the machine terminates incorrect Sarah's with the misfortune of crossing his path. But when The Terminator finds the correct one the real craziness and bloodletting starts with the cyborg using whatever it can get it's hands on to eliminate Sarah and complete it's mission. Help comes from the future in the form of a human soldier named Kyle Reese and he takes his duty of protecting Sarah very seriously.

For me this movie is more than enough to fill the Blood and Carnage richter scale. Guns, car crashes, explosions, fighting, cyborg...need I draw you a picture! Boobs have to be covered by Sarah and I think she does just enough to keep this movie in the running.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Movie Love: Avengers: Age of Ultron and Celebrating Movies

Sunday May 10, 2015 I went to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. the much awaited sequel for the first Avengers movie. I will say this, I had a really good time watching this movie. While in some ways it's not better than the first in others it is even better. The lesser is simple things like the feel not being as coherent and put together as the first so pretty much technical mumbo critic jumbo. So moving unto why this movie is still awesome.

1. Way more risks were taken in this one. You will actually wonder who is going to survive at the end of all this insanity and while the first movie had it's moments...come on. We knew who was returning for the most part. This sequel has crazy and dangerous turns.

2. Ultron. Oh my God this villain knows how to pull the heart and disgust strings at the same time. James Spader definitely took some tips from his character Red from The Blacklist. Will not spoil it for you but damn...a really good villain. No Loki but...there is no other like Loki.

3. A romance arc that I wasn't expecting but some of you people might have. Watch the sparks fly for yourself. Oh and Hawkeye has his own surprise and no it's not more singing.

4. The way this movie stands out from the pack. Yes it is a sequel but I will tell you this. It could be made into one movie and still work. Not many of the Marvel movie series pull this off as well as Avengers 2 did.

5. The twins, these two power houses have their own storyline and trust me. You want to know.

6. This guy.

Rating: 4.5 Stars


(Added this instead of doing another Post on Friday)

Celebrating Movies

In the spirit of moviedom here are a few movies I plan to see at the theatre time and luck permitting when they come out. Enjoy your weekend folks.

Plan to see this next Tuesday. The others haven't arrived to Jamaica just yet.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Book Review: Radioactive by H.g. Lynch

I am back and today I have a review for you from the paranormal side of things. This author gives us a kick ass heroine and a crazy new world where Rads (radioactive zombies) and politicians are...well still politicians. Oh and tomorrow will see my first regular weekly movie review and Thursday will see the return of Getting Personal.


A hundred years after The End, Britiain is run by a new government and going out after dark is suicide; after Curfew, the Shapers - the new and brutal police force - roam the streets, looking for Rule-breakers, and if they catch you, they'll kill you. But the Shapers aren't the only thing to worry about, because thanks to nuclear radiation, there are the Rads - twisted, flesh-eating monsters that used to be human. 
Despite all that, Andy has a pretty good life; she has a small home, she does trade in scavenged items to keep food on the table, and years after her family was killed by Shapers, she still has her Uncle Bret and her best friend, Rex. 
But all that changes when a dangerous, gorgeous ex-Shaper named Shayne saves her life, and the rebellion recruit her to steal a Cure for the Rads - from inside the government's headquarters. It's a suicide mission, Andy is sure, but she has no choice - the rebels are threatening to kill the last people she has left on earth unless she does what they want. 
Can she get the Cure and escape alive? And more importantly, can she do it without falling in love with the traitorous guy who won't leave her alone? 


The Good: From the start you are dropped in a world that has been devastated by war and the survivors have to live under a strict regime that has the brightest taken away to the government headquarters. Not to mention Shapers who are supposed to be protectors but shoot anyone who misses curfew or just pisses off the wrong people. Oh and Rads which are radioactive flesh eating zombies. Yes this book drops you straight into the mess and I love it. Our protagonist Andy makes her living scavenging things for people and getting paid. She has her best friend Rex and her Uncle Brett the only family she has left since Shapers took her father and murdered her brother and mother. Then she meets this strong Mystery man Shane and things get really interesting. By interesting it soon blows straight to hell and through all the crazy and mid-crazy of this book I had to read and get to the end. You will be at the edge of your seat reading through every page to get to the end of this crazy ride disguised as something as innocuous as a book.

The Bad: While I do love the book there were a few things that did irk me. First off Shane's over possessive behavior with Andy. While some might fight this endearing I think he pushed stalker territory including doing some things without her permission. Second that some scenarios seemed forced just to get Andy and Shane together or in tight spots that didn't make complete sense for someone as tough and smart as Andy to get in. While these things didn't ruin the book I do dislike scenarios that seem in-genuine

Verdict: Despite a few flaws this book is worth a read by any fan of zombie novels, kick ass heroines, hot guys and just reading in general. I had a lot of fun reading it and I believe you will too.

Rating: 4 Stars

Purchase: Amazon, Barnes and Noble

H.G. Lynch's Links: Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, Website

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Book Review: Perfection (Sisters in Love Book 1) by J.L. Campbell

Yes I am skipping IWSG for the first time in a long while. Nuh knock me off Ninja or minions! Much love, I will be back next month.

My first review for 2015! Yay! I am back on the front lines of book reviewing and today I am reviewing my dear friend Joy Campbell's first NA novel Perfection. She gave me an e-copy (like all the cool book reviewers get, LOL) and I got to read it for myself. This novel is also first in a series and what a series this is shaping up to be. Now don't let friendship fool you, I review like jackhammer lick rock stone.

Summary: A willful girl. A determined guy. A sticky situation. Can love conquer all?

After six months of serial breakups with her two-timing boyfriend, Natasha is ready to give relationships a break. Malik has no plans to give up and schemes to get her back, but his efforts throw his cousin in the middle of his campaign. Natasha doesn't need another guy messing with her brain, or her plans for the future, but Karim is different from anyone she's ever met. The fact that he's off-limits deepens her guilt over her attraction and puts her judgment into question. Can she move beyond the mistakes of the past and trust someone who's no angel?

Karim is back in Jamaica for the summer and has no plans to tie himself to anyone, because girls are complicated and he's been burned a time or two. He's knee-deep in responsibility as a result of a thoughtless act that changed his life. But Natasha is a girl with a difference, who makes him want things he has sworn to give up. Will she give him the time of day and will she want him when she finds out about his past and the present he wants to keep hidden, but can't?


Natasha and Karim are the two perspectives that you get throughout the novel. It is nice to get the guy's perspective as well as the female's for a change. Both characters are young adults starting university and are born Jamaicans, a nice change of pace since most NA involves American or while characters. The duo are tired of betting burned and decide to each drop their respective baggage willing to try something new. Natasha is more hesitant due to her experience with on again off again ex Malik who can only describe kindly as a douche. Yes, I said it. The novel carries you through how they meet and interact with each other as romance blossoms, fizzles and hopefully blossoms again. Will they make it or will obstacles including dutty exes and too much drama tear them apart?

What I enjoyed about this novel the most was how real these characters were. Neither seemed larger than life or someone who you couldn't relate to or imagine being like. The drama was never so insane that it was soap opera worthy though some exes prove to be what I can only term as 'bright and facety' (out of order/ no manners/ kiss me neck!). I must admit that some parts I am not sure I could maintain my niceness and I am a very calm person on the surface. Still, such people do exist and I must commend Joy for making even the more minor characters stand out and that the sub plots could intrigue you almost as much as the main one. Also there is a sisterly bond Natasha shares through her father's remarriage that will melt your heart. Over all I must say that I loved this book and as a Jamaican the local nuances were an added treat. Plus I could relate to some of the mother daughter drama in the 'career dispute.' Want to know more? Then go and grab a copy! This book hooked me from beginning to end and I am sure it will hook you too.

Psst. Plus a sequel is coming. Fixation will have you transfixed. Shhh, nuh chat say me tell you.

Rating: 5 Stars!

Purchase: Kindle, Barnes N Noble

Joy's links: Goodreads, Blog, Facebook, Twitter

Monday, 4 May 2015

Next Stop on the Perfection Mini-Tour!

Today I am taking part in the blog tour for Perfection by J.L. Campbell. Read on below to find out more and come back Wednesday to see my review. NA has been a burgeoning genre and today you will a novel that takes it from a Jamaican perspective. Now take it away Joy.

Perfection explores the world of Karim and Natasha, two new adults who have made their share of mistakes and are learning to deal with their individual challenges.
Set in Jamaica, the story has unique nuances because of the locale, but the themes are universal—friendship, parenting, relationships and trust.

Enjoy a sample from a novel that has been described as 'Perfection' by several readers.

"I love the title because it sums up the novel - PERFECTION! Campbell's books are set in her country of Jamaica and I love the backdrop of the beautiful tropical island as much as I love her characters and plots. Always interesting and never dull, Campbell's books are an excellent read."

Have you read any New Adult novels lately? What do you think about new adults who have to deal with parental responsibilities? Are they any different at parenting than older folks?
Enter on the Rafflecopter to win a copy of Perfection and the second in the series, Fixation, which goes live on February 15!

Many thanks for hosting me, Sheena!


After six months of serial breakups with her two-timing boyfriend, Natasha is ready to give relationships a break. Malik has no plans to give up and schemes to get her back, but his efforts throw his cousin in the middle of his campaign. Natasha doesn't need another guy messing with her brain, or her plans for the future, but Karim is different from anyone she's ever met. The fact that he's off-limits deepens her guilt over her attraction and puts her judgment into question. Can she move beyond the mistakes of the past and trust someone who's no angel?

Karim is back in Jamaica for the summer and has no plans to tie himself to anyone, because girls are complicated and he's been burned a time or two. He's knee-deep in responsibility as a result of a thoughtless act that changed his life. But Natasha is a girl with a difference, who makes him want things he has sworn to give up. Will she give him the time of day and will she want him when she finds out about his past and the present he wants to keep hidden, but can't?

J.L. Campbell is an award-winning, Jamaican author who writes romantic suspense, women's fiction, new and young adult novels. She has written fourteen books, two novellas and two short story collections. She also writes under the pen name Jayda McTyson. She is a certified editor, who also writes non-fiction.

Visit her on the web at


Waiting on Wednesday: Reconnected

Please Note: The final WOW on this blog as I take my final bow this month. I want to thank all readers of this post and all my blogging. I r...