While I hoped to review Punisher today. Due to health and personal reasons that's sadly not possible. I will be taking a break until next week. My birthday's November 29 so I will either drop my review on Monday, November 27 or Friday, December 1st. After that, I hope to return to a more regular reviewing schedule as of Monday, December 4th. Thank you for your patience and support.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Friday, 17 November 2017
Netflix Nation: Summer 2017 Part Two
Update: Due to unavoidable issues, The Punisher review has been moved to Wednesday. So no Monday post. Thanks for your understanding. After Wednesday 22/11, I'll return Monday 27/11 with a book review. Enjoy your week and have a great holiday American visitors.
So I will say that I have improved upon binge watching. Been taking a little break and plan to start again by this weekend. Gears need a little rest plus I'm doing Nanowrimo (Mermaid Retelling). You can click here for my last summer Netflix post. Now on with the show!
So I will say that I have improved upon binge watching. Been taking a little break and plan to start again by this weekend. Gears need a little rest plus I'm doing Nanowrimo (Mermaid Retelling). You can click here for my last summer Netflix post. Now on with the show!
Watch Period: August to September (30) 2017
Revenge Series
I watched all four seasons of this show and really enjoyed it. At least the first three. Four was over the top and I had to take a bit of a break then return to finish. So much happened in a series with main character Amanda returning under the secret identity Emily Thorne. Torn between her target Daniel and his family and the man she cared for as a child (Amanda), Jack Porter. Each season brought with it plans for revenge against those she felt wronged her and sent her father to prison for a crime he didn't commit.
Nolan was my favourite character in the series. Not only was he Emily's closest friend, confidant, and partner in crime. He was also the show's conscience. Reminding Emily that not every act of revenge was worth taking. I'm really glad the two never got romantically involved because not only is Emily sort of batshit but I really don't like it when friends are forced into lovers arc just for plot's sake.
Also, he had his own romantic and personal escapades that kept the ball rolling. Plus he went to prison for this chick. With the poor way she often treated him, he stuck by her through thick and thin. Including a fake marriage (to another character), being taken hostage/attacked and other crazy stuff. I will say that one quote looking back not only themed revenge's consequences well but also made me think of Marvel. Take a guess as to why.
I must say that Ashley's quote best sums up this series.
The first two seasons are really well developed despite insane twists. Season three kind of went off the rails for me but it was Season four that just flew the train right off the tracks. The show was still good but it was less fun to watch and some of the convoluted and insane storylines were too much. I highly recommend this series but just be prepared for some serious shifts in the last two seasons.
Rating: 4 Stars
Dragons: Race to the Edge - Season 5

I have to be honest that I don't remember a lot from this season. I recalled enjoying it. But I think after the disaster that was either Season three or four, I just don't have great recall on this show. I'll probably start to rewatch the whole thing in December. Still, recommend for fans as it's the best season since season two and there are some great surprises and new discoveries.
Rating: 4 Stars
Scandal Series
I had watched the first two seasons on television then fell off. With Season Seven being the last and also interested in catching up. I decided to start watching it from scratch and boy is this show a doozy. If you want dramatic twists without the super crazy antics then I would recommend this to you over Revenge. No matter how far things go, there's both a respect for the material and the viewers.
I watched the first three seasons and started four then took a break. The rest I watched in October and will discuss in my next NN post (in December). Olivia Pope has gone through a lot being the mistress to the president of the United States and also running her own business. Still, she did break up a marriage and I'm definitely not okay with cheating. Oh and also stole the election for her lover, deceived people, caused deaths...just leave it at Olivia has a lot sins on her roster. Damn!
See this picture below of a great team? Don't be fooled, a lot of messed up things happen and not everyone survives. Highly Recommend. Watch it!
Rating: 5 Stars
Death Note (Netflix American Version)
I watched the movie version. It wasn't that great. The Death God looked really good though.
Rating: Meh
Gotham - Season 3
After season two, I definitely wanted to watch season three. Unfortunately locally in Jamaica, one of our channels got the bright idea to get exclusive broadcasting rights to the show. Then proceeded to barely even show it and also place it late at night. Because no one works during the week. So I ended up watching it on Netflix when it debuted. Boy, was it worth the wait. Despite a few over the top scenarios. That blood virus really made some moments too hokey and ridiculous and don't get me started on that hatter guy. If you think Penguin or Riddler are dramatic, God help you. As if his cringe-worthy relationship with his sister wasn't enough. The poor woman ended up running straight into the arms of death over staying around him. Don't blame her at all. We get great moments as well including the corrupting of the once stalwart police commissioner duo to the blood virus and multiple story and character arcs. Highly recommend and definitely watch Season Four now airing on Fox (the show is back so I guess TV J realized their folly and left the show in peace).
Rating: 4 Stars
Supergirl Series
I watched the second season on Netflix both to catch up and also because this show now has crossover episodes with Flash and Arrow series. It was a solid season and despite some cringey arcs and character choices did justice to the female heroine and show.
Rating: 4 Stars
Other Shows
Transformers (Michael Bay): Rewatched the first Transformers movie. Still okay and the best this broken franchise has to offer. The last movie that came out in theaters was just awful.
Ex Machina: If not for the third half I would discuss this movie in detail. Two-thirds are amazing and I can see why it gets high praise. The third part, what the fuck? I can't even and that ending? Good Lord.
Little Witch Academia: Uh, no. Too hokey for me. But I liked the magic in the first episode.
The Defenders: It was all right and I even posted a review here.
Jessica Jones: It's a really good show but I just can't sit through the Season!
The Last Witch Hunter: Peeked and decided to watch the movie at a later date.
Superbad: Same as above.
So I watched a whole bunch of shows and finished this blog post. Victory!!
Now bed. Seriously it's 4 a.m. right now. Wonky bedtimes from exhaustion and flu combo. Need to rest a lot during the day. Got up after 1 pm in the afternoon yesterday and still needed rest in the evening.
Thanks for stopping by everyone. Before December's Netflix Nation post, I will review Punisher series on Monday. Enjoy your weekend.
Monday, 13 November 2017
Monday MishMash: November 2017

Monday Mishmash is a weekly meme created by Kelly Hashway for sharing what's going on in your life and noggin. You just grab a button and post your business...I mean thoughts online. No biggie. Have fun!
1. Working through some freelancing woes. Fiverr's changing its analytics and it's throwing my scores out of whack. Complaining to customer support isn't helping. I just have to work on fixing the damage before January's evaluation. I'm not losing my Level 2 Seller status. I mean falling by almost 20% for literally no reason should be explained or rectified. Not giving me an article on best sellers.
2. Considering which story to spruce up and post on Swoon Reads website. I considered fantasy but they rarely choose those and the last winners list was three instead of four pickups of new authors. Now I'm torn between a paranormal story that's set in modern day with contemporary elements or a contemporary story with a teen obsessed with a fictional character on her favourite show.
3. Reading is going poorly. I keep starting then stopping for days or weeks. Thank goodness I even read and reviewed Rotten Rapunzel recently. I'm determined to improve though. Wish me luck.
4. Doing Nanowrimo again this year with a Mermaid Retelling. No way I make the wordcount but at least I'll have the ground work.
5. My appetite is back so I'm mostly happy about that. Not 100% because yesterday I accidentally spilt soup on myself. Fatigue and flu don't mix well with reflexes. Ouch!
6. I will be doing a huge Netflix Nation post on Friday. Still considering exactly what to do with all my movie posts and series reviews (I think I'll keep them on Instagram). But despite making this a book blog, I think doing at least a monthly or bi monthly post on Netflix shows can fit. Other sites have done it sharing their other interest besides books once in a while. Besides these posts are fun.
7. My birthday is November 29th! I plan to buy my own cake. Never bought a whole cake myself before. I'm so excited!
Thanks for stopping by.
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Book Review: Rotten Rapunzel
Title: Rotten Rapunzel by Anita Valle (Dark Fairy Tale Queen Series #3)
Publication Date: September 20, 2017
Source: Purchased kindle copy on Amazon
Purchase: Kindle, Amazon Paperback, Barnes and Noble Paperback
Summary on Goodreads: I have been in this tower for fifteen years. Snow White has frozen me inside it
Book Review
This book really grabbed my attention from the start. I have been a fan of the series since book one and must say the third book Rotten Rapunzel is the best by far. The writing and story combine beautifully with a compelling story from beginning to end. Like every book, the main character has a bratty/naughty attitude. No sugar and spice females head these series. Each character feels owed something and Rapunzel's no different. Treating Snow, her older sister, and caregiver as more of a maid than a sibling and parental replacement. Readers are taken through the process of Rapunzel at the start of the book and who she becomes at the end of it. Like each book, change does come in a variety of ways. Every chapter has an evolution to what will eventually be the conclusion. I enjoyed the first two books despite them not being five star level in my opinion. Anita Valle had written compelling tales no matter the faults. But this time I believe she has found the perfect balance between writing and story structure. Highly recommend to new readers and fans alike.
Oh and don't worry readers. A certain fairy will make an appearance, oh yes she will.
Rating: 5 Stars
Publication Date: September 20, 2017
Source: Purchased kindle copy on Amazon
Purchase: Kindle, Amazon Paperback, Barnes and Noble Paperback
Summary on Goodreads: I have been in this tower for fifteen years. Snow White has frozen me inside it
and covered the rest of our kingdom with ice and snow. I can't remember what
summer is like. And I have never seen people or had a friend.
summer is like. And I have never seen people or had a friend.
It's not fair. I'm a princess, the daughter of Cinderella. This kingdom belongs to ME. Not to the nasty new queen who's taken over. Snowy ruined my life, she
doesn't care about me. She only keeps me because I cry magic tears.
doesn't care about me. She only keeps me because I cry magic tears.
I have to escape. Have to take back the palace before my lost twin gets it. Have to punish Snowy for wrecking the kingdom. Have to make at least ONE stupid
friend. And I really have to do something about my hair.
friend. And I really have to do something about my hair.
Book Review
This book really grabbed my attention from the start. I have been a fan of the series since book one and must say the third book Rotten Rapunzel is the best by far. The writing and story combine beautifully with a compelling story from beginning to end. Like every book, the main character has a bratty/naughty attitude. No sugar and spice females head these series. Each character feels owed something and Rapunzel's no different. Treating Snow, her older sister, and caregiver as more of a maid than a sibling and parental replacement. Readers are taken through the process of Rapunzel at the start of the book and who she becomes at the end of it. Like each book, change does come in a variety of ways. Every chapter has an evolution to what will eventually be the conclusion. I enjoyed the first two books despite them not being five star level in my opinion. Anita Valle had written compelling tales no matter the faults. But this time I believe she has found the perfect balance between writing and story structure. Highly recommend to new readers and fans alike.
Oh and don't worry readers. A certain fairy will make an appearance, oh yes she will.
Rating: 5 Stars
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Cover Reveal: Unknown Trilogy by Wendy Higgins
So happy to introduce Wendy Higgins' amazing Unknown Trilogy and Cover Reveal today. Read on to find out more.
From New York Times and USA Today bestseller Wendy Higgins comes a frighteningly realistic apocalyptic America brought to life, entwined with searing romantic tension that will leave you eager for more. UNDONE, the final book in the Unknown Trilogy, is coming December 5th, 2017! Don’t miss the stunning new covers for the Unknown Trilogy, and order your copies today!
About UNKNOWN (Unknown Trilogy #1):
Amber Tate believes the worst thing she’ll suffer in life is dealing with the unrequited love she feels for her brother’s best friend, Rylen Fite. She also believes war is something unfortunate that happens places far, far away from her rural Nevada town. She’s wrong on both counts.
When an unknown organization meticulously bombs major cities in the United States and across the globe, a trickle-down effect spreads to remaining towns at an alarming speed—everything from food and water sources to technology and communications are compromised. Without leadership, the nation is split between paralysis and panic, but Amber isn’t one to hide or watch helplessly. She’s determined to put her nursing skills to use, despite the danger, even if it means working alongside the man she can never have.In this first installment of NY Times bestselling author, Wendy Higgins’s debut New Adult series, a frighteningly realistic apocalyptic America is brought to life, entwined with searing romantic tension that will leave you eager for more.
✦ Amazon ✦ Amazon Paperback ✦ Barnes & Noble ✦ iBooks ✦ Kobo
About UNREST (Unknown Trilogy #2):
Being on the run in the desert means food and sanctuary are hard to come by, but Amber Tate and her crew are not about to give up. Not after having so many of the things they love brutally ripped from them by an unknown enemy who sent their world into the apocalypse.
Survival takes precedence, but once safe shelter is found, their guards fall and the emotions they’ve been holding in are finally released. Anger, insecurities...lust. In their tight quarters, Amber, Rylen, Tater, and Remy can't escape it. The past must be faced, and passions run even stronger in the darkest of times.In the midst of unrest, their worlds are rocked again when they discover the truth about the war that’s ruined their lives. They thought finding out the enemy's identity would give them the edge; instead it’s revealed terrifying dangers they never thought possible.
✦ Amazon ✦ Amazon Paperback ✦ Barnes & Noble ✦ iBooks ✦ Kobo
About UNDONE (Unknown Trilogy #3, Coming 12/5/17):
Amber Tate never dreamed their heart-wrenching escape from the enemy’s attack would lead them to the most beautiful place she’s ever seen. Like everywhere else in the world, Elmendorf military base in Alaska has been taken over, but it’s time to take it back—all of it—one base, one city at a time. After losing so much, Amber clings to the one precious person she has left, and vows to sacrifice everything to help save the Earth.
Remy Haines is a lover, not a fighter, so when she finds herself in enemy territory, expected to feign allegiance while gathering intel for the rebel cause, she’s never been more out of her element. Tensions only increase when her feelings for Jacob “Tater” Tate won’t go away, and the enemy’s leader takes an interest in her. She’s torn between what her heart wants, and what she knows she should do. As for what her body needs…well, it’s always had a mind of its own.
✦ Amazon ✦ Kobo
✦Stay Tuned for More Retailers Coming Soon!
About Wendy Higgins:
Wendy Higgins is a soccer mom and backstage drama mama. Most people in her tiny bayside town don’t know she’s a USA Today and NYT bestselling author of paranormal, fantasy, and science-fiction romances. Wendy is a former high school English teacher who now writes full time in her pajamas, and lives on the Eastern Shore of Virginia with her veterinarian husband, daughter, son, and little doggie Rue.
Wendy earned a bachelor’s in Creative Writing from George Mason University and a master’s in Curriculum and Instruction from Radford University.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | UNKNOWN Goodreads | UNREST Goodreads | UNDONE Goodreads | Wendy Higgins Goodreads
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