Red Series

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

IWSG and Goal Hop

Hi everyone. My insecurity today is pretty much how I will do in Junowrimo this month. Up to Tuesday I haven't written a single word. Yup, zero. I have been stressed out lately with having to pay off money I owe and having to delay getting my new glass plus no longer having daily access to a computer until I get my own. I am still grateful for all I have but sometimes stresses are just that. I hope to get back in the saddle and ask you guys to wish me luck.

Due to my father's laptop being stolen and my limited access to computer as a result. I had no time to do anything relating to my goal. All my time was spent scrambling to do my ghostwriting gig on time.


  1. I hope you solve your non-writing issues soon, then you can get back to worrying about writing :-) Seriously though, sometimes the real world has to take priority.

  2. Wishing you to find a new computer soon!

  3. I'm sorry! Focus on the paying gig and write in a notebook until you have a computer again.

  4. I miss you!!! Alex is write. Write in a notebook while you're down. It will get you to your goal and keep you from losing hope.

  5. Sorry that so many things are down for you right now, but take confidence that you will rise above this. :)

  6. Oh no, what a mess! I'm so sorry. :( Hopefully you'll be able to get writing again soon. Good luck!

  7. I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time Sheena-kay. I am sending you lots of good wishes and wishing you all the good luck in the world. Take care!

  8. Good luck with Junowrimo, I hope things get better for you.

  9. I'm sure will pick up. Good luck.

  10. Ug. You're totally going to rock this, even with a rough start. Go Sheena-kay!

  11. you keep writing, we can wait and will always cheer you on!
    here's to sheena!

  12. Not having access to a computer would trigger massive withdrawals in me. Hate to hear how the stresses have piled up. Hoping things turn around soon for you. Luck is, of course, wished for you.

  13. So sorry you're struggling to get your own writing done :-( I hope you manage to get more permanent access to a computer soon.


Waiting on Wednesday: Reconnected

Please Note: The final WOW on this blog as I take my final bow this month. I want to thank all readers of this post and all my blogging. I r...