Red Series

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Beastly Blitz Day

It's Beastly Blitz Day!

So excited to be participating in the release of this book. Sorry for the late post but I'm here!


by Tara Tyler

Release Date: June 24, 2014 - TODAY!!

B&N ~~~ Amazon ~~~ Kobo

Publisher: Curiosity Quills

Gabe is an average fifteen-year-old goblin. He’s in the marching band, breezes through calculus, and gets picked on daily by the other kids at school, especially the ogres. But Gabe wants to break out of his nerdy stereotype and try other things. He has his eye on the new ogress at school. Though it’s against all beastly rules, there’s just something about her.

Gabe starts a fad of mingling with other species, forcing the High Council to step in and ruin things by threatening to destroy the school and split up Broken Branch Falls. With help from other outcast friends, Gabe sets out on a quest to save his town. They'll show 'em what different friends can do together!

Add it to your GOODREADS list!

Tara Tyler has had a hand at everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After living up and down the Eastern US, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently, she has two series, The Cooper Chronicles (techno-thriller detective capers) and Beast World (MG fantasy) She's an adventure writer who believes every good story should have action, a moral, and a few laughs!

Also by Tara Tyler, techno-thriller detective series,
The Cooper Chronicles, Book One: POP TRAVEL

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Getting Personal: More Writing, Celebrate and Goal Hop

Photo Credit: anitapeppers @ morguefile

For Junowrimo I will end up writing less than 20,000 words of my revision for Normal. But that's okay. I am happy to say that this revision has given me a better path to go on for the rest of the book. Also I have cut it down from five to three intended books with the working titles Normal, Magic and Gifted. Read below for an old summary of this manuscript which was originally an unfinished 2011 Nano.


Book One in The Gifted Series

Charlie Sharp is a normal girl in the Northern Region of Airee. While that might seem typical it's not. Being normal in Airee meant you weren't among The Gifted - citizens with special powers- and that made you a second class citizen with rules and restrictions that separated you from many rights and privildges only the gifted received.

Charlie's life is a bit safer for a normal. With most of her family on her side, she gets to live as close a life to a gifted person without breaking the rule. Even getting into the same school as her gifted sisters and being one of less than seven normals attending. Her life as a normal makes things complicated but she just has to deal with it along with the bullies and flat out normal haters. Then something new turns her life upside down. She find a girl who's a magic user and finds out The Magic King has returned. The last time he rose to power it ended with non-gifted being labelled as normals as a price for betraying the gifted and allowing them to be slaves.

Now Charlie has to decide whether to report this or look away. Either way her decision will take her on an adventure she's completely unprepared for.

Now for July I planned to just get back to preparing my unfinished manuscript I have planned to finish this year whether in complete fashion or drafts. But a message from someone from Camp Nanowrimo changed my mind. I have realized that I don't do well cramped in a box and love to explore. Well I knew that but with my book delays and so on I realize that a goal is just that. Not a fight to the death. I can expand and add. So I will be delving into the idea archives and writing an idea for a novel that posted a while back one one of my old extra blogs Idea Factory (gone now). Here it is below and wish me luck this July. I am so excited and bought a new notebook and pen just for this occasion. The colour of the notebook? Blue. You'll get ity when you read about my latest idea getting a lease on life.

The Bite Sisters

Stephanie, Mary and Tiffany Waters are sisters. The older two are the most popular girls at Castle Ridge High School. But all three have a terrifying secret. They are shark people. People who are able to form shark heads to full shark bodies, have agressive speed and even in human form stay underwater for extended periods. Stephanie and Mary love it. Tiffany however wishes to be a normal human.

Crazy things happen at C.R. High. Including teenagers getting bizaree bites in strange places. But things take a dark turn when Britanny Towers is found dead in the school pool. Bite marks indicate she was bitten by a shark. But sharks don't jump in and out of school pools and things got heated between the sisters as they lose trust in each other and have to face the shark king.

Will the murder be solved. Can these sisters keep their family line a secret. If they don't, the consequences will be severe.

Celebrate Meme

1. I finally got my second hand Playstation 2 from Ebay and it works like a dream! Whoo! Can finally play FFIX!

2. Working through having to delay getting a new laptop. Have to send back the defective one which will take some time. But I'm moving forward and keeping my chin up. God will bless me.

3. Junowrimo has helped me breathe new life in an old manuscript!

4. God is with me no matter what. You too.

5. Saw X:Men: Days of Future Past this Tuesday at the movies. It was mind blowing. Quicksilver was hilarious! Next week I will see How To Train Your Dragon 2 and this month and going it is half off Tuesday evening showings! Whoo! I will use this for every 3D movie!

 Sorry Goal hop but no dice. Hopefully if I  get a laptop by August. My father no longer has one thanks to the theft. It was a work laptop so I guess he no longer takes any home. I don't blame him.

Have an excellent weekend everyone and know God is always with us and there is something positive in your life no matter the obstacle. Love you guys.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Still Alive

Photo Credit: johnanderson on MorgeFile

Hi folks yes I'm still alive. Sadly I'm still having issues getting to a computer with internet access. I had tried to get one locally at a lower price but issues with the model has made me decide to seek a refund and that is currently being hashed out with the seller.

On other news I'm reading the sequel to School for Evil, A World Without Princes and it is a pretty good read. Also trudging through my Junowrimo project a revision/rewrite of Normal. Still less than 10,000 words in but I'm glad I've started and I have ideas on how to improve on it from the old unfinished version. Hope to see How To Train Your Dragon 2 month end or early July. Thankfully since it is 3D then Jamaica will let it hang around a while.

Anyway what about you guys? How have you been and thanks for stopping by today.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Two Cover Reveals and a Giveaway

Brand new covers for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle!
~A paranormal romance series by Taylor Dean~
I love my OLD covers. (Pictured on the left.) I really do. They're different from the norm and that's why they captured my attention.
For Lancaster House, I liked the idea of a hand reaching out from the grave. It seemed appropriate to the story; Andre reaches out to Zoe from beyond the grave. It was Carrie-like and kind of creepy.

There's just one problem.
This is not a horror novel. Not at all. This is a paranormal romance. People who like horror are drawn to the cover and are sadly disappointed when they realize it's a romance.
People who love paranormal romance are turned off by the cover because it looks too creepy.
In other words, the cover just wasn't working.
I love The Middle Aisle cover because it matched Lancaster House so perfectly. And part of the story takes place in Monterey, California. Monterey is known for its Cypress trees. The tree on the cover of The Middle Aisle reminded me of a Cypress tree and seemed perfect.
But, if the right people aren't reading the first book, no one will ever read the second one no matter what the cover looks like!
Bam! Decision made!
It was time for new covers for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle! I love the new covers because they speak so perfectly as to what's on the inside.
Without further ado, here they are, the new covers!
Lancaster House

Lancaster House
The Middle Aisle
The Middle Aisle

Author Taylor Dean
Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense—you’ll find all sub-genres of clean romance in her line-up.
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 6/8/14
Open Internationally

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

IWSG and Goal Hop

Hi everyone. My insecurity today is pretty much how I will do in Junowrimo this month. Up to Tuesday I haven't written a single word. Yup, zero. I have been stressed out lately with having to pay off money I owe and having to delay getting my new glass plus no longer having daily access to a computer until I get my own. I am still grateful for all I have but sometimes stresses are just that. I hope to get back in the saddle and ask you guys to wish me luck.

Due to my father's laptop being stolen and my limited access to computer as a result. I had no time to do anything relating to my goal. All my time was spent scrambling to do my ghostwriting gig on time.

Waiting on Wednesday: Reconnected

Please Note: The final WOW on this blog as I take my final bow this month. I want to thank all readers of this post and all my blogging. I r...