Red Series

Friday, 23 January 2015

Celebrating Hard Work

Yes I'm going back in time. On a Saturday I'm posting on a Friday. But I'm excited, do you know why? I had to spend Friday working and hardly had time to do anything else. What is exciting about that? A year ago in 2014 my freelance and ghostwriting just started to be successful. Now a year later and I can pay for my own book covers, food, books... Hell I even gave my mother money towards the cable bill. I feel so productive and pumped!

Best of all it is doing something I love to do. So many people are stuck in jobs they hate and I am working hard to help others create stories and yes it takes up a lot of time but that is hard work and I love it. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer for making my talent not only profitable but so very fulfilling.

This will mean less blogging but those are the breaks. Besides IWSG or promotions I will no longer post on Wednesday. Getting Personal will be done two Thursdays a month and otherwise I will post Monday and Friday. Mondays/Tuesday if I post book reviews. Let's see how this new schedule goes and have a great weekend everyone.


  1. That's awesome! You are a successful business owner.
    New schedule sounds good. Whatever you can manage.

  2. Your excitement is all over this post! Congratulations, Sheena-Kay! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. That's wonderful - so worth working for yourself in something you love when it becomes successful :) x

  4. Congratulations, Sheena. You are doing very well.

  5. Amen! Fantastic that you're able to support yourself with your work -- and it's work that you love!

  6. Congratulations, Sheena! That's exciting and I'm happy for you that your hard work has paid off. You deserve all your success!

  7. Glad to know your freelancing and ghostwriting is gaining the skills to pay the bills. I'm super happy for your successes! :)

  8. Way to go! Love that you're doing well. Always better to cut back than quit completely. You go girl!


Waiting on Wednesday: Reconnected

Please Note: The final WOW on this blog as I take my final bow this month. I want to thank all readers of this post and all my blogging. I r...