Zim is the starring character in the cartoon series Invader Zim. Zim is an Irken alien sent to earth on a fake takeover mission. The funny thing is that he doesn't know it is fake and reports to the Almighty Tallest (who were trying to get rid of him) on his efforts to take over the planet. While they end in failure it is his antics and fellow characters on the show that keeps fans coming back for more. Zim is obnoxious and overzealous and this only makes fans like me love him more. He is the epitome of never giving up despite horrible failure and his entertaining factor is only matched by GIR his incompetent robot SIR Unit. He loves shouting, hurting humans if they dare get too close or try to reveal his alien nature (Dib). His main nemesis is Dib a human boy who constantly does his best to thwart Zim's plans and reveal the alien to the human race. It's a shame Nickelodeon cancelled Invader Zim barely two seasons in but a great show never dies. So whether it's through DVDS, conventions, re-aired episodes or online posts and comments like this - Zim forever!
Source: Wikipedia
So now the A-Z April Challenge (2014) is at an end. While I did miss out on a chunk I have decided that I still deserve a badge for my efforts and have posted the survivor badge with a slight change courtesy of Photobucket. So for all those who did their best but didn't quite do all 26 letters. This badge is for you and congrats. For those who did survive straight through, congrats as well and a big thank you to the founder and hosts who made this year's challenge possible.
Oh and please take the time to vote on my Enders Game 2 Petition. Ender's Game was a really good movie and I'm hoping to help convince Lionsgate and co. to do a sequel through votes.