Red Series

Friday 30 January 2015

Goal Hop and Celebrating Woven Release

Honestly I'm in between goals right now. I plan to update to a new goal for 2015. But I will say that I'm still working on my AYA genre goal from last year.

Celebrating Woven Release

Due to issues with my internet provider early in the week I couldn't really get online beyond a blip on my facebook app on my tablet so I'm kind of late to the party. I had to copy the information from another blog since I couldn't get the packet to download in my email but I still have my own words to say about Woven. This book went through quite a journey to get published. But both David and Michael stuck to their guns and here we are celebrating the release of this magnificent book. While I have known David as a blogger for a while, I barely know Michael. Yet the way David has described him through his posts I'm sure he is a swell guy and both have written a marvelous novel that both children and adults can curl up with and enjoy. My own copy is still in the mail but based off the crazy sales and top notch reviews this book has received. I have no problem telling everyone in advance that this is a must read. Now keep on reading to find out more about this magical book and the wonderful authors who wrote it.

WOVEN by Michael Jensen and David Powers King, published by Scholastic

Two unlikely allies must journey across a kingdom in the hopes of thwarting death itself.

All his life, Nels has wanted to be a knight of the kingdom of Avërand. Tall and strong, and with a knack for helping those in need, the people of his sleepy little village have even taken to calling him the Knight of Cobblestown.

But that was before Nels died, murdered outside his home by a mysterious figure.

Now the young hero has awoken as a ghost, invisible to all around him save one person—his only hope for understanding what happened to him—the kingdom’s heir, Princess Tyra. At first the spoiled royal wants nothing to do with Nels, but as the mystery of his death unravels, the two find themselves linked by a secret, and an enemy who could be hiding behind any face.

Nels and Tyra have no choice but to abscond from the castle, charting a hidden world of tangled magic and forlorn phantoms. They must seek out an ancient needle with the power to mend what has been torn, and they have to move fast. Because soon Nels will disappear forever.

Available now wherever books are sold


About the Authors:

Michael Jensen is a graduate of Brigham Young University’s prestigious music, dance, and theater program. Michael taught voice at BYU before establishing his own vocal instruction studio. In addition to being an imaginative storyteller, Michael is an accomplished composer and vocalist. He lives in Salt Lake City with his husband and their four dogs.

Photo credit: Michael Schoenfeld


David Powers King was born in beautiful downtown Burbank, California where his love for film inspired him to become a writer. An avid fan of science fiction and fantasy, David also has a soft spot for zombies and the paranormal. He now lives in the mountain West with his wife and three children.

Photo credit: Katie Pyne Rasmussen


Praise for Woven:
"It’s not often that you read a fantasy that feels as epic and original as Woven by King and Jensen. Clever, well-paced, and full of intrigue, it’s a superb read. Highly recommended."
— James Dashner, author of The Maze Runner
"WOVEN reads like a lost classic that was somehow just rediscovered. It has the feel of a comfortable, familiar blanket that's somehow been newly-made of the brightest, most original material possible, and it is pure pleasure to read."
 James A. Owen, author & illustrator of Here, There Be Dragons
"The worldbuilding is dynamic, original and intriguing … and the characters, appealing. A sure bet for high-fantasy fans." — Kirkus Reviews
"This brisk adventure from first-time authors Jensen and King is a charming quest tale in classic fantasy tradition." — Publisher’s Weekly

Rafflecopper Giveaway Link (One of 5 copies of Woven – signed by both authors):
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday 29 January 2015

Getting Personal: Diversity

I have decided to try and diversify characters in my manuscripts. In my Missing Girls Series there are two white teens, one black and a mixed race. The fifth book will involve one returning and that will be kept a mystery until release day. All teens are female and each go missing in a different way. I'm someone who isn't interested in the whole race war business like the Academy Awards insanity that not enough diversity was among the nominees. Sorry but a black actress won best supporting actress last year and does anyone remember a certain movie titled 12 Years A Slave. The Academy Awards nominates the best and most of whom can afford to make the movies of that quality are white. When people of other races make a movie starring their own it is progress but when white people do it that's racism. I'm sorry but that is prejudiced and unfair. Yes diversity is needed but that needs to be done in co-operation not shouting and finger pointing. Also there is a need to get actors of all races to be bankable overseas to attract foreign investors. Seriously in a competition between Scarlett Johansen or Octavia Spencer as most bankable actress who do you think would win? Exactly, I don't even need to say it. When all races are equally bankable then we will see a real change. The colour that matters most is green and right now that mostly falls with white actors and actresses. Plus I think many people need to remember that blacks are not the only race aside from white people in existence. What about Asians and other races and nationalities that have few or zero Academy Awards to their name? Why isn't there such a large outcry from their camp? Maybe because they know that there just wasn't a movie of that caliber out for them? Or maybe they know movies and awards are about more than race? Whatever the reason I think this outcry is unfair because the only movie starring a black cast to even be up for consideration was Selma. When there is only one known black starring movie up for potential nomination it is lucky to get nominations in the first place. Lots of white starring movies didn't make the cut. Remember Jennifer Anniston being predicted to get nomiated for Cake? Didn't happen. The Lego Movie and Gone Girl were robbed in the Animated and Adapted Screen Play nominations in my opinion. But guess what? Everyone can't be nominated! But that's just this one lady's opinion so moving on.

Still I do see where almost all my characters in starting manuscripts are white. It just seems easier and part of the reason is because writers don't have to worry about most white people calling them out on the character not fitting the culture they feel the writer must represent. If I had a dollar for every time a writer has been criticized for a non-white character not fitting into a certain mold I would have a lot of  money. It is especially ridiculous when the character is in a fantasy setting where race is of little relevance. You want the black princess on a wartorn planet to have black instead instead of green hair or for it to be in braids? Seriously? You don't think the author had other priorities? This is not a real life example but there are similar scenarios and things like this make authors worry about diversifying their characters. There is no fictional race code. Opinions are important but when it is just...just keep the really silly ones that give authors unnecessary headaches and fears to yourselves. Really, it would be a great help.

Back to the main topic at hand. I do see a need to widen the race net in my manuscripts. Every race, nationality and gender deserves to have a fictional character who they can look at and see some of themselves in whether on the outside or what is within. Right now I am making changes to a few. Not all characters are going to be changed though. Only those which I truly feel are only that race or nationality for convenience. It's Complicated from my 2014 Nano will be among those getting a race evaluation. Those not getting any though include Escaping Wonderland and Monster City. There is just no need and I'm not going to go around doing the token race character. Hated it in horror movies and will not do it in my own writing. Anyway I hope my thoughts today have got your mind whirring and would love to read about your feelings and thoughts in the comment section. Thanks for popping by and see you on Friday to celebrate the release of Woven.

Friday 23 January 2015

Celebrating Hard Work

Yes I'm going back in time. On a Saturday I'm posting on a Friday. But I'm excited, do you know why? I had to spend Friday working and hardly had time to do anything else. What is exciting about that? A year ago in 2014 my freelance and ghostwriting just started to be successful. Now a year later and I can pay for my own book covers, food, books... Hell I even gave my mother money towards the cable bill. I feel so productive and pumped!

Best of all it is doing something I love to do. So many people are stuck in jobs they hate and I am working hard to help others create stories and yes it takes up a lot of time but that is hard work and I love it. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer for making my talent not only profitable but so very fulfilling.

This will mean less blogging but those are the breaks. Besides IWSG or promotions I will no longer post on Wednesday. Getting Personal will be done two Thursdays a month and otherwise I will post Monday and Friday. Mondays/Tuesday if I post book reviews. Let's see how this new schedule goes and have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Getting Personal: Hi, Long Time No See

So you must be like...yay she's back. you can see this is a bit awkward. Here is the quick story. When I got my new tablet I was excited. I mean how different would an Android be? Well it is plenty different. For starters a lot of web pages won't come up because of dark or too light backgrounds. Second the keyboard keeps disappearing making quite annoying to write. I can get online and I keep up on Facebook better than ever but blogging...yeah...not on that thing.

I have been also busy with my freelance work which right now is almost exclusively writing novel drafts for people. Trust me, there are people who want a novel just to start with and my brain is on fire. But I have gotten a bit of a rhythm now and recently access to a laptop I can actually blog on. As you know I hate blogging when I can't comment back and my comment status after my last January post was a disaster. Now I hope to slowly get back on track with blogging and being around you fine people outside Facebook Nation.

I posted this yesterday on Facebook because it made me think of my next book in The Missing Girls Series.

Yes, even fat people need to look out for kidnappers. Have a great day everyone and thank you for supporting my blog over the years. Also a special thank you to those who have written/chatted about  and shared the cover for Where is Sarah? Love you all and see you Friday.

Friday 9 January 2015

Snark Blogfest and Celebrating New Release

LG Keltner is celebrating three years of blogging. Today she is also hosting The Sarcasm, Snark and Sass Blogfest. Here is the point of this barrel of fun below.

 On Friday, January 9th, 2015, give me a post that celebrates something sarcastic, snarky, or just satisfyingly sassy. You can give me an example from real life, a favorite film or book, or you can give me an original piece of fiction. The sarcasm can either be well understood, or hilariously misunderstood.

My contribution comes from the movie Frozen. I really wanted to use this line and not only found the quote but an image to go with it in just one Google search. Thanks Google.

 Source: Pinterest

Hey. There is no way for anyone to predict someone wore gloves to hide ice powers. I mean, come on.

Alec John Bell has a new book out. it is his second book and this ambitious teen author is doing a paranormal series this time. Give up for Forbidden Darkness. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by.

Title: Forbidden Darkness

Series: The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles Book One

Author: Alec John Belle

Genre: Paranormal

Purchase: Kindle, Paperback available at Createspace

Summary: One girl. Four friends. Five days. A darkness that's been forbidden for 5,000 years.

Heather Hawkins thought that everything in her life was normal. All her life, the most she had to worry about was getting good grades, being a good daughter, and helping her best friend Kristen through her depression. With three days until her sixteenth birthday, everything in her life is about to change when she discovers the terrible truth.

She's a Monster Hunter and the lives of everyone she loves are about to be put in her hands.

After she learns that Kristen is a Monster Hunter, too, her training begins, but as a beginner, she isn't allowed to fight Monsters--not yet anyway. But soon, something dark and sinister is going to take over the town, and with a mysterious guy haunting her dreams, a hot new trainer named Philip, and that fate of the world coming down on her, Heather wonders if she's good enough to save her friends and family from the Monsters coming their way.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

IWSG: Coming up 2015

IWSG is an excellent way to share your insecurities and other feelings with a supportive group of fellow bloggers. Actually it is so much more and I'm just grateful to be a part of it.

2014 had it's ups and downs but now it is a new year. 2015 will have it's own good and bad and I plan to embrace it all and 'keep moving forward.' That piece of quote from the Meet the Robinson's movie has such a motivational message. Also it doesn't hurt that it was also part of a quote from the legendary Walt Disney. If there was anyone who knew the special love between an artist and their creation through various forms of art, it was him.

The Missing Girls Series

This series will have it's first book out in March. Where is Sarah? will be followed by four more novellas with the final one actually being one of the girls from the previous novellas. Which one? You will have to wait and see because the final book will be the only one without a cover reveal before it's release. Yes the final book cover will be revealed on release day in June. This series will be written in verse and reconnect me with my poetic side. Poetry is one of my favourite forms of writing but is one I have not been quick to share. Which is ironic since it was the first form of writing I was paid for. This series is also important to me because I feel it highlights the plights of people who go missing. Not only that but I hope to share the various ways teenagers can go missing. It is not just bratty runaways but a serious issue that needs addressing. I'm not writing this to push a message but if it presses home that a missing person is important, I'm okay with that. Right now I'm dealing with promotion and among other things I have the hashtags down. #WhereisSarah #themissinggirlsseries #tmgs. I am sure the second one is a handful because of all the 's' but #tmgs is the shortened version and easier to type. Also the cover had an error because I had mistakenly left the 's' off the 'girls' on the subtitle. But the designer was kind enough to fix it for free. You can visit her on Facebook via Cover Lust Designs. Here is the corrected cover.

Everything Else

There is also The Sacrifice Series which I am hoping to do this September. This series is YA Dystopia and not in verse. All will be self published along with Snow (stand alone novel) which I have decided to move to next January instead of this Summer. Also there is blogging, my freelance and ghost writing work. Not to forget time to relax and have fun which for me includes reading and going to the movies. My goal for this year is to accomplish tasks that I can and to let go those I can't. Plus I want to surprise myself.

What is my insecurity you might ask? It is how I will accomplish all this. But I also know the answer. By...keep moving forward. Happy 2015 and I am so glad to be back.

Friday 2 January 2015

Happy New Year

Yes it is the new year and 2015 will be a new opportunity to accomplish what you didn't last year as well as new goals. I wish you all a great year full of wonder and surprises. Double on surprises. Enjoy your day and I leave you with a quote from the literary great Neil Gaiman (got it off Amanda Hocking's Facebook page). Whether you are a writer or otherwise there is something there for everyone.

Waiting on Wednesday: Reconnected

Please Note: The final WOW on this blog as I take my final bow this month. I want to thank all readers of this post and all my blogging. I r...